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Browsing by Author "Sieber, Stefan"
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2020-08-12ZeitschriftenartikelAn Economic Comparison between Alternative Rice Farming Systems in Tanzania Using a Monte Carlo Simulation Approach Kadigi, Ibrahim; Mutabazi, Khamaldin D.; Philip, Damas; Richardson, James W.; Bizimana, Jean-Claude; Mbungu, Winfred; Mahoo, Henry F.; Sieber, StefanTanzania is the second-largest producer of rice (Oryza sativa) in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa after Madagascar. Unfortunately, the sector has been performing poorly due to many constraints, including poor ...
2019-09-09ZeitschriftenartikelCollective Perception of Anthropic and Extractive Interventions in the Colombian Llanos Eufemia, Luca; Morales, Hector; Bonatti, Michelle; Graser, Maximilian; Lana, Marcos; Sieber, StefanIncreasingly, the developmental model of anthropic and extractive interventions is a global concern. Its impacts are challenging not only the precarious equilibrium of natural resources but also the one of local communities ...
2019-09-20ZeitschriftenartikelCommunity-Based Governance and Sustainability in the Paraguayan Pantanal Eufemia, Luca; Schlindwein, Izabela; Bonatti, Michelle; Bayer, Sabeth Tara; Sieber, StefanThemegadiverse biome of the Paraguayan Pantanal is in danger due to the expansion of cattle ranching and agricultural frontiers that threaten not only the fragile equilibrium of natural resources, but also that of local ...
2019-11-07ZeitschriftenartikelConflict Causes and Prevention Strategies at the Society-Science Nexus in Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research Settings Schütt, Juliane; Löhr, Katharina; Bonatti, Michelle; Sieber, StefanCollaboration between researchers and society is essential when addressing challenging 21st Century questions. Such collaboration often comprises international, inter- and trans-disciplinary teams, as well as temporal ...
2020-01-30ZeitschriftenartikelExploring Farmers’ Perceptions of Agricultural Technologies: A Case Study from Tanzania Jha, Srijna; Kaechele, Harald; Lana, Marcos; Amjath-Babu, T.S; Sieber, StefanThe low agricultural productivity of key crops and food insecurity continue to be key issues in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Tanzania. The growing population, depleting resources, and changing climate further amplify these ...
2019-12-13ZeitschriftenartikelFactors Influencing the Adoption of Water Conservation Technologies by Smallholder Farmer Households in Tanzania Jha, Srijna; Kaechele, Harald; Sieber, StefanIn Tanzania, the increasing population coupled with climate change amplifies issues of food insecurity and negatively impacts the livelihoods of smallholder farmer households. To address these issues a range of water ...
2020-01-25ZeitschriftenartikelPeacebuilding in Rural Colombia—A Collective Perception of the Integrated Rural Reform (IRR) in the Department of Caquetá (Amazon) Graser, Maximilian; Bonatti, Michelle; Eufemia, Luca; Morales, Héctor; Lana, Marcos; Löhr, Katharina; Sieber, StefanThe 2016 peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP created institutional space for an effective implementation of needed rural reforms. However, the change of power structures also contains risks, ...
2020-03-13ZeitschriftenartikelPerception of Natural Hazards in Rural Areas: A Case Study Examination of the Influence of Seasonal Weather Rudge Ramos Ribeiro, Rodrigo; Nascimento Sulaiman, Samia; Bonatti, Michelle; Sieber, Stefan; Lana, Marcos AlbertoA series of factors affect the social perception of hazards in a rural context. This article analyzes how weather conditions influence farmers’ perceptions of natural hazards. In order to understand the relationship between ...
2019-08-19ZeitschriftenartikelReducing Edible Oil Import Dependency in Tanzania Mgeni, Charles Peter; Müller, Klaus; Sieber, StefanReducing food imports and promoting domestically produced food commodities are long-standing goals for policymakers and other stakeholders in sub-Saharan African countries. For instance, Tanzania, after a long period of ...
2018-12-23ZeitschriftenartikelSunflower Value Chain Enhancements for the Rural Economy in Tanzania: A Village Computable General Equilibrium-CGE Approach Mgeni, Charles Peter; Mueller, Klaus; Sieber, StefanPoverty is prevalent and widespread in rural Tanzania, where agriculture is the main activity. The government is making significant public investments intended to speed the growth of agriculture as a means to accelerate ...