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Browsing by Author "Schmid, Wolfgang"
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2001-03-30KonferenzveröffentlichungCooperation - a better form of university networking? - Implementing remote administration for widespread Windows networks Buszello, Claus Peter; Fay, Matthias; Schmid, WolfgangWe would like to demonstrate how the need for a better administration of computing resources and the required manpower - based on the desire for a more effective use of the existing modern network infrastructure - led to ...
2009-03-06DiskussionspapierProperties of Hierarchical Archimedean Copulas Okhrin, Ostap; Okhrin, Yarema; Schmid, WolfgangIn this paper we analyse the properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas. This class is a generalisation of the Archimedean opulas and allows for general non-exchangeable dependency structures. We show that the structure ...
1999BuchStiftungen und Stiftungswirklichkeiten Borgolte, Michael; Ehlers, Caspar; Proetel, Katrin; Lusiardi, Ralf; Rexroth, Frank; Reinhardt, Volker; Wagner, Wolfgang Eric; Schmid, Wolfgang; Scheller, Benjamin; Göttler, Christine; Jakobi, Franz-JosefIm ersten Band der Reihe Stiftungsgeschichten zeigen Mediävisten, Neuzeit- und Kunsthistoriker, inwieweit die Stiftungen für das Seelenheil das liturgische Gedenken für Verstorbene zu sichern vermochten und wie der ...