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Browsing by Author "Kübler, Dorothea"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
2016-01-19DiskussionspapierCollege Admissionswith Entrance Exams Hafalir, Isa E.; Hakimov, Rustamdjan; Kübler, Dorothea; Kurino, MorimitsuWe study a college admissions problem in which colleges accept students by ranking students’ efforts in entrance exams. Students’ ability levels affect the cost of their efforts. We solve and compare the equilibria of ...
2000-12-15BuchCompensating the Cooperators Bohnet, Iris; Kübler, DorotheaChoice between different versions of a game may provide a means of sorting, allowing players with different preferences to self-select into groups of similar types. We experimentally investigate whether auctioning off the ...
2005-09-21DiskussionspapierCourtesy and Idleness Ivanova-Stenzel, Radosveta; Kübler, DorotheaDoes gender play a role in the context of team work? Our results based on a real-effort experiment suggest that performance depends on the composition of the team. We find that female and male performance differ most in ...
2008-01-21DiskussionspapierDo Legal Standards Affect Ethical Concerns of Consumers? Engelmann, Dirk; Kübler, DorotheaIn order to address the impact of regulation on ethical concerns of consumers, we study the effect of a minimum wage. In our experimental market, consumers have monopsony power, firms engage in Bertrand competition, and ...
2013-01-31Diskussionspapier‘I'll do it by myself as I knew it all along’ Danz, David; Hüber, Frank; Kübler, Dorothea; Mechtenberg, Lydia; Schmid, JuliaWith the help of a simple model, we show that the hindsight bias can lead to ineffcient delegation decisions. This prediction is tested experimentally. In an online experiment that was conducted during the FIFA World Cup ...
2012-01-11DiskussionspapierImplementing quotas in university admissions Braun, Sebastian; Dwenger, Nadja; Kübler, Dorothea; Westkamp, AlexanderQuotas for special groups of students often apply in school or university admission procedures. This paper studies the performance of two mechanisms to implement such quotas in a lab experiment. The first mechanism is a ...
2008-04-03DiskussionspapierInformation and Beliefs in a Repeated Normal-form Game Fehr, Dietmar; Kübler, Dorothea; Danz, DavidWe study beliefs and choices in a repeated normal-form game. In addition to a baseline treatment with common knowledge of the game structure and feedback about choices in the previous period, we run treatments (i) without ...
2001-06-19BuchInformation cascades on the labor market Kübler, Dorothea; Weizsäcker, Georg
2000-09-12BuchLimited depth of reasoning and failure of cascade formation in the laboratory Kübler, Dorothea; Weizsäcker, GeorgWe examine the robustness of information cascades in laboratory experiments. Apart from the situation in which each player can obtain a signal for free (as in the experiment by Anderson and Holt, 1997, American Economic ...
2005-09-08BuchLong-term Work Contracts versus Sequential Spot Markets Anderhub, Vital; Königstein, Manfred; Kübler, Dorothea
2000-05-05BuchOn the Regulation of Social Norms Kübler, DorotheaA model is developed to understand how norms can be influenced by "norm entrepreneurs", e.g. lawmakers, government agencies, unions etc. Two instruments of influencing the dynamics of normfollowing behavior are analyzed, ...
2013-01-08DiskussionspapierPreference for Randomization Dwenger, Nadja; Kübler, Dorothea; Weizsäcker, GeorgWe investigate violations of consequentialism in the form of the stochastic dominance property. The property is shared by many theories of choice and implies that the decision-maker prefers receiving the best outcome for ...
2013-09-05DiskussionspapierPrivacy Concerns, Voluntary Disclosure of Information, and Unraveling Benndorf, Volker; Kübler, Dorothea; Normann, Hans-TheoWe study the voluntary revelation of private, personal information in a labor-market experiment with a lemons structure where workers can reveal their productivity at a cost. While rational revelation improves a worker's ...
2001-09-18BuchSimultaneous and sequential price competition in heterogeneous duopoly markets: Experimental evidence Kübler, Dorothea; Müller, WielandWe investigate simultaneous and sequential price competition in duopoly markets with differentiated products. In both markets symmetric firms are repeatedly and randomly matched. The strategy method is used to elicit ...
2007-12-20DiskussionspapierTelling the Truth May Not Pay Off Braun, Sebastian; Dwenger, Nadja; Kübler, DorotheaWe investigate the matching algorithm used by the German central clearinghouse for university admissions (ZVS) in medicine and related subjects. This mechanism consists of three procedures based on final grades from school ...
2011-02-17DiskussionspapierUnwillingness to Pay for Privacy Beresford, Alastair R.; Kübler, Dorothea; Preibusch, SörenWe measure willingness to pay for privacy in a field experiment. Participants were given the choice to buy a maximum of one DVD from one of two online stores. One store consistently required more sensitive personal data ...
1997-06-19BuchUsing Private Job Agencies Kübler, DorotheaIn a model with private information of the worker about her ability and unobservable effort choice, the role of public and private employment services is analyzed. The coexistence of an inefficient employment exchange and ...
2007-12-17DiskussionspapierWhy Votes Have a Value Dittmann, Ingolf; Kübler, Dorothea; Maug, Ernst; Mechtenberg, LydiaWe perform an experiment where subjects pay for the right to participate in a shareholder vote. We find that experimental subjects are willing to pay a significant premium for the voting right even though there should be ...