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Publication 2019ZeitschriftenartikelCOLONIAL IDENTITY IN THE JEDANIAH “ARCHIVE” AT ELEPHANTINECleath, Lisa J.This study will consider the materiality of the Jedaniah collection from Elephantine through the lenses of process theory of identity and temporal-spatial discourse. The Jedaniah collection is composed of ten Aramaic documents, spanning at least twenty years in the mid-fifth century BCE. The documents include copies of letters sent and received by members inside of the “Jewish” community as well as Persian-backed authority figures. Since these texts were discovered in 1907, many scholars have discussed their content in relation to their “Jewish” themes, but few have questioned the theoretical frameworks employed for examining the material nature of the documents. A methodological framework will be presented that sets process theory of identity in conversation with Thomas Tweed’s temporal-spatial theory. Process theory of identity has developed in the context of post-colonial discourse in order to explore how colonialized communities construct hybrid, dynamic identities in response to the internalized experience of colonialization. The works of Jon L. Berquist, Christiane Karrer-Grube, and Katherine E. Southwood, in particular, suggest that both the rule of the Persian Empire over the community at Elephantine and the broader inter-cultural interactions in this sub-province of the Persian Empire should be examined through a lens that accounts for the dynamics of imperial power and the hybridity of process identity common to colonized communities. Moreover, it is appropriate to consider temporal-spatial movement in the Persian Empire as it is reflected and developed through the material artifacts of the Aramaic missives in the Jedaniah collection, since a missive by nature is a temporally-delayed text sent between geographically separated communities. The result of this missive communication is an imperially-structured distal community discourse, which develops over time in a network of spatially removed community nodes and authorities. Tweed’s analysis of space as differentiated, kinetic, interrelated, generated, and generative is used in this study as a productive means of analyzing these Aramaic letters as texts that actively construct the identity of this colonized group across space and time. In addition, analysis in light of process theory of identity and temporal-spatial theory will shed light on the challenges of this community’s debated “Jewish” identity.Publication 2022Teil eines BuchesAramäisches Papyrusfragment mit einem BerichtLepper, Verena; Pabst, RebekkaPublication 2022ZeitschriftenartikelZeitloses GeschichtenerzählenLepper, VerenaPublication 2019ZeitschriftenartikelCinderella, Sindbad & SinuheLepper, VerenaPublication 2018-05-24ZeitschriftenartikelScribal Correction Dots on an Unpublished Elephantine Aramaic Papyrus FragmentMoore, James D.In a box of unpublished Aramaic papyri from the 1906–1907 German excavations of Elephantine there is a small fragment (p. 23141) that uses scribal marks in a margin or vacat to identify a textual edit. This is the first example of Aramaic editorial marks of this type from the Persian period, and demonstrates a previously unidentified scribal practice.Publication 2020-06-11ZeitschriftenartikelPapyrusmaterial aus Elephantine und seine signifikanten MerkmaleKrutzsch, MyriamDecades of restorational processing of the writing surface, papyrus, have resulted in observations of detailed material structures that can vary depending on the production site. This paper presents characteristic traits of the papyrus material that comes from Elephantine manufactories. This material is clearly distinct from material from other places, for example Thebes, Illahun, and Tebtunis. The differences lie less in the various color nuances than in the papyruses’ general physical characteristics, fiber structure, and special surfaces. All visual observations and all simple measurements made so far have received support from natural-scientific investigations for quite some time now.Publication 2020-02-07Zeitschriftenartikel4D imaging of lithium-batteries using correlative neutron and X-ray tomography with a virtual unrolling techniqueZiesche, Ralf; Arlt, Tobias; Finegan, Donal; Heenan, Thomas; Tengattini, Alessandro; Baum, Daniel; Kardjilov, Nikolay; Markötter, Henning; Manke, Ingo; Kockelmann, Winfried; Brett, Dan J.L.; Shearing, Paul R.The temporally and spatially resolved tracking of lithium intercalation and electrode degradation processes are crucial for detecting and understanding performance losses during the operation of lithium-batteries. Here, high-throughput X-ray computed tomography has enabled the identification of mechanical degradation processes in a commercial Li/MnO2 primary battery and the indirect tracking of lithium diffusion; furthermore, complementary neutron computed tomography has identified the direct lithium diffusion process and the electrode wetting by the electrolyte. Virtual electrode unrolling techniques provide a deeper view inside the electrode layers and are used to detect minor fluctuations which are difficult to observe using conventional three dimensional rendering tools. Moreover, the ‘unrolling’ provides a platform for correlating multi-modal image data which is expected to find wider application in battery science and engineering to study diverse effects e.g. electrode degradation or lithium diffusion blocking during battery cycling.Publication 2021-06ZeitschriftenartikelRevisiting the Jerash Silver Scroll: A new visual data analysis approachBaum, Daniel; Herter, Felix; Larsen, John Møller; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, RubinaThis article revisits a complexly folded silver scroll excavated in Jerash, Jordan, in 2014 that was digitally examined in 2015. In this article we apply, examine and discuss a new virtual unfolding technique that results in a clearer image of the scroll's 17 lines of writing. We also compare it to the earlier unfolding and discuss progress in general analytical tools. We publish the original and the new images as well as the unfolded volume data open access in order to make these available to researchers interested in optimising unfolding processes of various complexly folded materials.Publication 2021-06-29ZeitschriftenartikelThin-Volume Visualization on Curved DomainsHerter, Felix; Hege, Hans-Christian; Hadwiger, Markus ; Lepper, Verena; Baum, DanielThin, curved structures occur in many volumetric datasets. Their analysis using classical volume rendering is difficult because parts of such structures can bend away or hide behind occluding elements. This problem cannot be fully compensated by effective navigation alone, as structure-adapted navigation in the volume is cumbersome and only parts of the structure are visible in each view. We solve this problem by rendering a spatially transformed view of the volume so that an unobstructed visualization of the entire curved structure is obtained. As a result, simple and intuitive navigation becomes possible. The domain of the spatial transform is defined by a triangle mesh that is topologically equivalent to an open disc and that approximates the structure of interest. The rendering is based on ray-casting, in which the rays traverse the original volume. In order to carve out volumes of varying thicknesses, the lengths of the rays as well as the positions of the mesh vertices can be easily modified by interactive painting under view control. We describe a prototypical implementation and demonstrate the interactive visual inspection of complex structures from digital humanities, biology, medicine, and material sciences. The visual representation of the structure as a whole allows for easy inspection of interesting substructures in their original spatial context. Overall, we show that thin, curved structures in volumetric data can be excellently visualized using ray-casting-based volume rendering of transformed views defined by guiding surface meshes, supplemented by interactive, local modifications of ray lengths and vertex positions.Publication 2021KonferenzveröffentlichungQuittungsformular, Schreibergepflogenheiten und Personalstruktur im Steuereinzug von Elephantine in frührömischer ZeitDuttenhöfer, RuthAusgangspunkt für eine eingehendere Untersuchung der Formulare und Schreibergewohnheiten in Elephantine bildet die undurchsichtige Situation zu Anfang der römischen Herrschaft während des ersten Jahrhunderts, wo wir vergleichsweise wenig aussagekräftige Quellen kennen, die Rückschlüsse auf die Personalstruktur der Steuerverwaltung erlauben. Im Bereich der pro Kopf erhobenen Geldsteuern gibt es von Augustus an für Elephantine überwiegend Quittungen für die Kopfsteuer (λαογραφία) und die Gewerbesteuer (χειρωνάξιον), die beide zu festen Jahressätzen entrichtet werden. Sie sind zusammengefasst im Kopfsteuer-Ressort und werden im ersten Jahrhundert von dem selben Personal, sogenannten Praktoren, eingezogen. Das wesentliche Merkmal des Quittungsformulars in Elephantine ist für das erste Jahrhundert das einleitende Verb διαγράφειν am Kopf der Quittung; verschieden gestaltete Unterschriften am Ende der Quittung geben Auskunft über das Personal im Steuereinzug. Aufgrund von Veränderungen beim Quittungseingang und in der Unterschriftspraxis lassen sich drei Phasen in zeitlicher Abfolge deutlich unterscheiden.Publication 2015-10Teil eines BuchesThe Jewish Community at ElephantineLepper, VerenaDue to its arid climate, Egypt preserves a unique range and abundance of evidence providing insights into the emergence and establishment of new religions, their relationship to each other and the pagan past. Over 300 objects have been specially selected for this publication, drawing on the significant collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and the British Museum and reflecting the rich cultural diversity of the Nile Valley from the first to the twelfth century AD. Through beautiful works of art, including jewellery, painted panels, textiles, sculpture, calligraphy, manuscripts, glass and ceramics, we gain a better understanding of the lives of ordinary and extraordinary people in this important period in Egyptian history. The book also reveals the different types of sacred buildings - synagogue, church, and mosque - and explains their architectural history and dissemination in Egypt.Publication 2018-05Teil eines BuchesThe ancient Story of Ahiqar from Mesopotamia and EgyptLepper, VerenaArab and German Tales Verena M. Lepper (Hg.) Arab and German Tales Transcending Cultures Geschichtenerzählen ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Dieser Band ergänzt die Ausstellung »Arab and German Tales – Transcending Cultures« und erforscht das reiche kulturelle Erbe der Erzähltraditionen und Märchen in Deutschland und der arabischen Welt. Die Publikation ist in erster Linie eine kritische und inspirierende Auseinandersetzung führender arabischer, deutscher und internationaler Wissenschaftler und Experten zu der Frage, wie Wissen und menschliche Vorstellungskraft über Zeit und Raum weitergegeben werden. Die Publikation präsentiert verschiedene Essays zu antiken Texten, die heute zur Weltliteratur zählen: wie Papyrus Westcar mit seinen fünf Wundergeschichten, die Geschichte des Sinuhe und das Gilgamesch-Epos. Sie untersucht die verschiedenen Formen und Arten, wie diese alten Geschichten und Erzählungen die zeitgenössische Literatur, Filme und andere jüngere Medienformen des Geschichtenerzählens inspiriert und beeinflusst haben.Publication 2019-03-25ZeitschriftenartikelMulti-Analytical Approach for Characterization of Archaeological Meroatic PotsherdsElbashir, Abdalla Ahmed; Elbashir Siddig, Fatima; Lepper, VerenaIn this paper, the results obtained using a multi-analytical approach for characterization of six potsherds originally attributed to the 4th century BC excavated from Meroatic sites, Sudan were reported. Sort of the minerals and their structural deformation during the production forming process from the raw material used by artisan to ware were performed, in the particular, the maximum heating temperature obtained during burial and operative condition (open or close condition) of the kiln were performed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was the completing analysis to estimate the firing temperature from typical thermal reactions in potsherds. Further X-ray Ray Fluorescence, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) were used to analyze the morphology, chemical composition and find subsequent progress of vitrification levels. The XRD results give supportive information obtained from the FT-IR spectra. X-ray diffractometry results have shown the existence of quartz, albite (MER-02, MER-04, MER-06) anatase (MER-03) and manganite (MER-05) minerals. Thus, the mineralogical structure of a potsherds samples has a quite dissimilar composition that could suggest that different source of the raw material utilized for the potsherds production. Clay minerals can be used for re-establishment of previous production conditions. In the present paper TGA, FT-IR and XRD results potsherds are examined and information derived on potsherds technologies regarding raw materials and production conditions is confirmed by SEM observations relating to the extent of vitrification. The temperature at which potsherds were fired differs over range (700-900 ℃) depending on the sort of clay used and the kiln existing. The obtained data point out that the investigated potsherds were made from different raw materials and workshops.Publication 2018-09-12ZeitschriftenartikelSpectroscopic Approach for Characterization of Archaeological Potsherds Excavated from Some Neolithic Sites from SudanElbashir, Abdalla Ahmed; Elbashir Siddig, Fatima; Lepper, Verena; Hussein, AhmedIn this paper multi-spectroscopic techniques for characterization of ancient potsherds excavated from different Neolithic sites (Esh-shaheinab, Kadero and Jebel-Um-Marahi), Sudan were reported. The experimental data inform us to the both elemental and mineralogical composition of the potsherds. Mineralogical composition of ancient pottery has been studied by both FTIR and XRD approaches. Further, studies by Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to indicate the firing temperature from typical thermal reaction in potsherds samples. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) was used to study the internal morphology and chemical composition of the pottery. EDS was performed to figure out the elemental composition and the resultants were carried out statistically utilizing the ratio of SiO2 to Al2O3 due to their non-volatile character. However, XRD results Revealed the mineralogical composition of the potsherds the quartz is predominant all over the samples then microcline, illite, muscovite, albite, magnesium aluminum silicon oxides and rutile in different compositions and various firing temperatures of pottery samples were found to be in the 800-1100 ℃.Publication 2022SoftwareOxygen project file to customize functionality for TEI tagging accordingSchwarz, SandroOxygen-Projektdatei zur Anpassung der Funktionalität für das TEI-Tagging gemäß dem vom ELEPHANTINE-Projektteam festgelegten Arbeitsablauf.Publication 2022Berichte und sonstige TexteoXygen-TEI Workflow. An OverviewLepper, Verena; Schwarz, Sandro; Moje, JanERC Project ELEPHANTINE "Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History. Texts and Scripts from Elephantine Island in Egypt" Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Verena Lepper / Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Due to the enormous size of the ELEPHANTINE database and the respective number of special cases for editing texts in TEI format, the ERC-project could contribute to the development of new standards within the international epidoc-Community. For the encoding of the texts "oXygen-TEI Workflow. An Overview" was developed for the concrete project needs.Publication 2020-04-20DatensatzJerash Silver Scroll: Virtually Unfolded VolumeBaum, Daniel; Herter, Felix; Lepper, VerenaEine neue virtuelle Entfaltungstechnik wurde auf eine 2014 in Jerash, Jordanien, ausgegrabene Silberschriftrolle angewandt. Als Ergebnis der Entfaltung sind 17 Schriftzeilen in den hier veröffentlichten volumetrischen Daten deutlich sichtbar.Publication 2019BuchCinderella, Sindbad und SinuheLepper, Verena; Wessel, SarahGeschichtenerzählen ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Dieser Band ergänzt die Ausstellung »Cinderella, Sindbad & Sinuhe« und erforscht das reiche kulturelle Erbe der Erzähltraditionen und Märchen in Deutschland und der arabischen Welt. Die Publikation ist in erster Linie eine kritische und inspirierende Auseinandersetzung führender arabischer, deutscher und internationaler Wissenschaftler und Experten zu der Frage, wie Wissen und menschliche Vorstellungskraft über Zeit und Raum weitergegeben werden. Die Publikation präsentiert verschiedene Essays zu antiken Texten, die heute zur Weltliteratur zählen: wie Papyrus Westcar mit seinen fünf Wundergeschichten, die Geschichte des Sinuhe und das Gilgamesch-Epos. Sie untersucht die verschiedenen Formen und Arten, wie diese alten Geschichten und Erzählungen die zeitgenössische Literatur, Filme und andere jüngere Medienformen des Geschichtenerzählens inspiriert und beeinflusst haben.Publication 2021BuchTorah, Temple, LandWitte, Markus; Schröter, Jens; Lepper, VerenaVeröffentlicht auf Englisch. Dieser Band widmet sich den Erscheinungsformen, in denen das Judentum in der Antike Gestalt annahm. Bekanntlich war das antike Judentum eine Religion in ständigem Wandel, mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf zentrale Kategorien wie Tora, Tempel und Heiliges Land. Was als »Judentum« oder »jüdisch« angesehen wurde, stand demnach nicht einfach fest, sondern musste stets neu verhandelt werden.Publication 2022-05-20BuchNew Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine in BerlinMoore, James D.; Lepper, VerenaThe famous German excavations between 1906 and 1908 of Elephantine Island in Egypt produced some of the most important Aramaic sources for understanding the history of Judeans and Arameans living in 5th century BCE Egypt under Persian occupation. Unknown to the world, many papyri fragments from those excavations remained uncatalogued in the Berlin Museum. In New Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine in Berlin James D. Moore edits the remaining legible Aramaic fragments, which belong to letters, contracts, and administrative texts.