2013, Band 41 - Heft 4
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://edoc.hu-berlin.de/18452/25405
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Publication 2013ZeitschriftenartikelSchülervorstellungen zur DesertifikationSchubert, Jan ChristophPreconceptions are a crucial factor in the educational learning process. Therefore, the investigation of preconceptions is important for learning and teaching also in the field of geography. This study examines the preconceptions of 12- and 13-year-old students on the major environmental problem of desertification. The students’ preconceptions were collected by conducting problem-centered interviews. These interviews (n=13) were then evaluated using qualitative content analysis. Results show quite complex preconceptions concerning causes, processes, effects and measures to counter desertification. Regarding the causes of desertification, three basic preconceptions were identified: water consumption inducing drought, climate change generating high temperatures and wind blowing sand from deserts to adjacent areas. All in all, natural causes for desertification are dominant in the students’ perspective. In conclusion, some conceptions can be classified as alternative ones, whilst others are almost in line with scientific explanations. Based on the results of the study, implications concerning learning and teaching geography are proposed, such as focusing on the anthropogenic causes of desertification.Publication 2013ZeitschriftenartikelWie lassen sich klimageographische Inhalte im Geographieunterricht schülerorientiert vermitteln?Basten, ThomasThe trade wind system is an important subject of geography education. It offers an excellent opportunity for developing exemplary and transferable ideas with respect to causes of wind, adiabatic processes, coriolis deflection, etc. It can also be used to explain the climatic conditions of the tropic´s landscapes. This article contains the results of a didactic reconstruction. The scientific perspective has been analyzed by using the qualitative content analysis taking the metaphor analysis and the theory of experience-based understanding into account. The learners´ ideas of the trade wind system or related topics in previous empirical studies has been reinterpreted with the aid of theory of experience- based understanding. Moreover the learners´ conceptions of trade wind system, which were compiled in the framework of qualitative interviews with tenth-grade pupils of various German secondary schools (n=30, 18f, 12m) has been analyzed. As a result of comparing students´ and scientists´ ideas cognitive- and metacognitive-oriented guidelines were developed.