Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal
José Ignacio Aguilar Río
Stephan Breidbach
Christiane Fäcke
María González-Davies
ISSN (online) 2570-2432
Regine Schlößer,
The Langscape Network c/o Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal(LEM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal published on behalf of LANGSCAPE. LANGSCAPE is an international research network engaging in plurilingualism, language education and language learning.
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2024-01-03Heft oder Ausgabe einer ZeitschriftLanguage Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal Vol. 6 According to the OECD, the 22 European Union country members that belong to the OECD, totalled nearly 16 million higher education students in 2019. Parallel to this, and according to Eurostat1, the 27 European Union country ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelConfronter les directives politiques aux pratiques linguistiques à l’œuvre dans le champ de la recherche en SHS en Europe Cet article cherche à identifier si – et dans quelle mesure – l’existence d’un écart entre les directives communautaires en matière de politique linguistique et les pratiques linguistiques des chercheurs européens en ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelPolitique linguistique institutionnelle et stratégies de gouvernance Cette contribution bilingue se penche sur l’articulation entre politique linguistique et pratiques des institutions formatrices (Idiazabal & Dolz 2013) en matière de bi/plurilinguisme individuel. Concrètement, comment ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelPlurilinguisme et interculturalité dans l’enseignement supérieur Ce texte présente une réflexion qui prend place dans le cadre du projet d’université européenne NEOLAIA se donnant pour objectif – parmi d’autres – l’élaboration d’une Charte commune sur la politique linguistique plurilingue ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelLenguas en la actividad académica universitaria La enseñanza, investigación y producción en varias lenguas en el nivel universitario se desarrolla a menudo en un espacio inestable determinado por la relación entre las políticas lingüísticas institucionales y las acciones ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelL’éducation supérieure est-elle vraiment plurilingue ? Dans les sociétés modernes super-diverse (Vertovec 2007), à la réglementation de la pluralité linguistique se lient d’autres complexes questions d’ordre démocratique et d’accès aux droits. Cependant, bien que la diversité ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelPlurilingualism in Higher Education in Türkiye This paper focuses on language teaching in higher education in Türkiye to deduce the resulting language and education policies: Monolingual or plurilingual? After emphasizing the need to consider the diversity of languages ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelShifting Roles and Policies of Preparatory Schools in Tertiary Education in Turkey This article seeks to explore Preparatory Schools of language teaching at tertiary education in Turkey in conversation with the arguments and theorization of such conceptual frameworks as neoliberaliza¬tion of education, ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelTeaching Russian to Various University Student Groups in Finland Heritage language learners (HLLs) make up a significant part of those who study Russian as a foreign language at universities abroad, although for them, it is rather a home language (L1), learned initially in direct ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelManaging Language Policy Formulation at a German University of Applied Sciences Existing literature (Erling & Hingeldorf, 2006; Earls, 2014) indicates that there is a lack of formal policies at the macro- or meso-level governing the use of English in German higher education. This has led to a situation ...
2024-01-03ZeitschriftenartikelTransculturing and/or Pluricultural Competence? This contribution aims to lead the reader to an answer to the question in the title. It must be seen as a meta-reflection on the results of a series of courses set up as action (intervention) research. These courses primarily ...
2024-01-03RezensionBirgit Schädlich (Hg.) (2020): Perspektiven auf Mehrsprachigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Regards croisés sur le plurilinguisme et l’apprentissage des langues. Berlin: Metzler.
2024-01-03RezensionClaire Kramsch (2021): Language as Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2022-11-11Heft oder Ausgabe einer ZeitschriftLanguage Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal Vol. 5 The fifth volume of Langscape’s scholarly open-access, peer-reviewed online journal is devoted to the theme of "Multilingualism in Virtual Communication and Encounters. New Approaches to Educational Contexts". Whatever ...
2022-11-11ZeitschriftenartikelCommunity-Based Online Language Teaching as an “Act of Linguistic Citizenship” ‘Şexbizinî’ is mainly the designation of a Kurdish tribal confederation and has recently more and more become a designation of its language. This language is linguistically not described and, at the same time, endangered. ...
2022-11-11Zeitschriftenartikel(Inter-)Cultural Reflections about the Self The virtual exchange project “Teletandem Brasil: Foreign Languages for All” was the context for this case study of qualitative nature, which analyzed the impacts of stimulated recall sessions (Henderson, Henderson, Grant ...
2022-11-11ZeitschriftenartikelMehrsprachige und plurikulturelle Begegnungen und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der sprachlichen und kulturellen Flexibilität von angehenden Lehrenden Kenntnisse, Anerkennung, Respekt und Wertschätzung verschiedener Sprachen und Kulturen können helfen, eine starke Identität aufzubauen und darüber hinaus auch interkulturelle Kommunikationskompetenz zu entfalten (vgl. ...
2022-11-11ZeitschriftenartikelIdentidad social y repertorios lingüísticos en el activismo medioambiental en línea El presente artículo explora las representaciones de identidad social y repertorios lingüísticos en los textos identitarios publicados en las páginas oficiales de Facebook de Fridays For Future Spain (FFFS) y Fridays For ...
2022-11-11ZeitschriftenartikelDans quelle mesure la collaboration internationale synchrone multimodale favorise-t-elle l’apprentissage des langues ? Dans un contexte d'apprentissage de l'anglais L2 dans le secondaire, est-il possible de permettre aux apprenants d’avoir des interactions négociées, potentiellement acquisitionnelles ? La mise en place d'un dispositif ...
2022-11-11ZeitschriftenartikelRe-examining Ethical Considerations in EFL in View of Multi-/Plurilingual Research Practices In this contribution I examine and partly reframe ethical considerations in view of current multi-/plurilingual research practices. Many research endeavours are multilingual by default, but this aspect often remains implicit ...