Vol. 1/2018: Plurilingualism Today: Looking Back and Forward
Recent Submissions
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelThe role of Latin in multilingual learners’ strategies Research on third language acquisition and multilingualism found consistent evidence that metacognitive and metalinguistic awareness are crucial for the enhancement of different kinds of language learning strategies in ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelEditorial (eng, fra, ger, spa)
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelIs there still a place for culture in a multilingual FL education? In our days of exacerbated migrations, global mobility, and global modes of communication, culture is no longer the taken-for-granted unitary cultural narrative that holds nation-states together. It has become something ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelRezeptive Mehrsprachigkeit – der mögliche Beitrag der Fremdsprachendidaktik zur Bildung einer gemeinsamen europäischen Öffentlichkeit In European Union’s school-contexts, current teaching and learning foreign languages has been continuing a tradition whose roots go back to the nineteenth century when the dominant and overall educational objective was to ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelLe transculturing: un construit pour découvrir les ressorts du translanguaging S’appuyant sur des théories issues de différentes disciplines, cet article est une réflexion sous forme de monologue intérieur qui cherche à comprendre ce qui est en amont du translanguaging. Deux ouvrages qui abordent ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelPlurilinguale Identitäten? Entwicklungen in der Theoriebildung und empirische Forschungsergebnisse zur Mehrsprachigkeit an Schulen Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Einblicke in den Forschungsbereich der plurilingualen Bildung zu geben und dabei insbesondere auf diejenigen Forschungsansätze und Formen von Theoriebildung zu fokussieren, die in Richtung ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelMultilingual socialisation in education: Introducing the M-SOC approach This article provides an overview of monolingual norms, which are considered pervasive in education (Ortega, 2014, Cruickshank, 2014; May, 2014) and proposes a multilingual socialisation approach. Various monolingual ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelIntercultural education: A challenge for bilingual programmes The integration of the intercultural dimension within a bilingual approach has been discussed largely in the literature. The advantages, challenges and the opportunities that such integrated approach brings to international ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelTransformando la educación de bilingües emergentes en el estado de Nueva York Este artículo traza el trabajo de CUNY-NYSIEB, un proyecto educativo para transformar la educación de bilingües emergentes en las escuelas del estado de Nueva York. Describimos el propósito y la visión del proyecto, como ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelPlurilingualism in schooling policies: The Brussels melting pot Brussels is a multilingual and multicultural city at the heart of Europe, where individual plurilingualism is the norm rather than the exception. As far as multilingual language policies in Brussels schools are concerned, ...
2018-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelThe Notion of Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence in the Teaching of Foreign Languages in France In this article, we analyze the way the notions of plurilingual repertoire and Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence (henceforth PPC) were interpreted in three foreign language teaching curricula published after 2010 ...