Promoting Sustainable Development in EU Structural Funds Programmes
Lessons from Regional Case Studies
Integrative Forschungsinstitute
This paper summarises the main results from a study into methods of imple-menting sustainable development principles in EU Structural programmes. It demon-strates how 12 pilot regions translated the concept of sustainable development into practical applications which are compatible with structural funding procedures, rele-vant to the needs of specific programme areas and acceptable to programme partner-ships. The selected regions – from France, Germany, the UK, Sweden and the Neth-erlands – vary considerably in terms of their size and structural characteristics. These differences had an important bearing on the paths they chose to integrate sustainable development principles into their Structural Funds programmes and management practices.
Conclusions are drawn on how other regions might promote sustainable devel-opment in the context of Structural Funds programmes on the basis of these experi-ences in terms of developing new methodologies, redesigning programme objectives, adapting management tools and opening up procedures to greater participation and dialogue.
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Originally published as:
Timothy Moss and Heidi Fichter (2004) Promoting Sustainable Development in EU Struc-tural Funds Programmes: Lessons from Regional Case Studies, Innovation - European Jour-nal of Social Science Research 17:1, 11-23