Sexus-Genus-Beziehungen im Hindi
Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
In Hindi within the category o f gender masculine and feminine can be distinguished. To a
certain extent the opposition of malo and female is reflected in the opposition of masculine
and feminine and sex can be identified by the gender of the noun as well as by secondary
gender identifiers of tho language. Yet, mainly in the case of nouns denoting trades and
professions, posts, representatives of intellectual and political movements and relations
between individuals the feminine opposites are missing. This gap in the language is bridged
by the respective masculine plus a secondary gender identifier or by this masculine plus a
lexical supplement and secondary gender identifiers. Yet, the above mentioned linguistic
means that are used for denoting male and female individuals cannot be employed indiscriminately
or regardless of tho context. Certain sentence structures, too, rule out the use o f
certain means of the language for denoting gender explicitely.
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