Number 01
Recent Submissions
2021-10-01Heft oder Ausgabe einer ZeitschriftProceedings in Marine Biology “Proceedings in Marine Biology” is an international journal publishing original research by graduate students on all aspects of marine biology. Subjects covered include: ecological surveys and population studies of oceanic, ...
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelBeutepräferenz bei Marthasterias glacialis (Echi- nodermata, Asteroidea) in Abhängigkeit von individueller Größe und intraspezifischer Konkurrenz Seastars are opportunistic predators that feed on bivalve molluscs and other invertebrates. In a dynamic system like the sublitoral of the rocky shores near Concarneau (South Brittany, France) there are several parameters ...
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelProtection over mobility? How shell selection in the hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus (Paguroidea) is modulated by availability and ecological conditions. Hermit crabs occupy empty gastropods shells, which have to provide both: mobility and protection. Yet, the process of shell selection and the preference for different architectural traits, such as globose or conical ...
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelThe movement radius of Patella spec. around its home scar correlates with duration of water exposure With its extraordinary ability of orientation enabling home fidelity the limpet Patella has been of high interest for scientists during the last two centuries. To assess possible correlations between limpet behaviour and ...