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Now showing items 29-36 of 36
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungSocially-distant fasting: information practices of young Muslims during pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to reimagine how they engage in spiritual and religious activities. This paper presents an analysis of the information practices of young Muslims during Ramadan, with a focus on their ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungSpiritual information and meaning-making: exploring personal narratives of residents at a contemplative spiritual retreat centre This study aimed to understand the role of information in the domains of contemplation, spirituality, and meaning and purpose. These domains can be a significant aspect of people’s lives and rich in information phenomena. ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungStudent experience of digital learning tools: information literacy training in higher education The paper presents a qualitative study of how students in higher education experience the use of digital learning objects as part of information literacy training. The study is inspired by the phenomenographical method and ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungThe good, the bad, and the notable: COVID-19 information experiences This study explores the COVID-19 information experiences of people at the outbreak of the pandemic in the United States. The research data from 1,979 participants was collected through an online qualitative survey. A ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungThe influence of users' Dark Triad on knowledge contribution behaviour on social Q&A sites The users' knowledge contribution behavior is the driving force for the sustainable development of the social Q&A sites. This kind of user behavior is affected by various factors, among which users' personality traits are ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungThe sound of music: from increased personalization to therapeutic values Music providers like Spotify leverage music recommendation systems to connect users with relevant music. Based on content-based and collaborative-filtering statistical methods, these machine learning algorithms quantify ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungTheory usage in empirical research in ISIC conference papers (1996-2020) Measuring the use of theory that informs empirical research demonstrates the rigour of research in a discipline. It also identifies key theories and connections to other disciplines. This study focuses on use of theory, ...
2022-09KonferenzveröffentlichungWhat's interrupting your search? A diary study of everyday mobile search interruptions Web search is a common activity in a mobile context. However, the nature of performing tasks in a mobile environment means there is the risk interruption. While the effects of interruptions on mobile search have been studied ...