Browsing 2012, Band 40 - Heft 1 by Title
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
2012ZeitschriftenartikelArgumentationen im Geographieunterricht This article concentrates on the advancement of competencies in argumentation during geography lessons. Firstly, the significance of conducting arguments for comprehension intensive learning of geographical contents and ...
2012ZeitschriftenartikelDie Qualität von Geographieunterricht optimieren Using an explorative multi-phase study we tried to explore the effectiveness of so called ‘Basic Modules’ in teaching. These teaching modules have been created for a range of geographical topics and contain theory-based ...
2012ZeitschriftenartikelRelation between University Geographies and Syllabuses for Geography Instruction in General Secondary Schools in Slovenia V pričujoči empirično utemeljeni študiji predstavljamo rezultate evalvacije učnega načrta za geografijo v splošni gimnaziji v Sloveniji z vidikov akademikov na univerzitetni ravni. Evalvirali so učne cilje in terminologijo ...