Gemeinsam den Geographieunterricht der Zukunft andenken
Ein idealtypisches Modell für eine komptenzorientierte Lehrerbildung in der Geographiedidaktik
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
The reform of teacher training within the Bologna process provides the opportunity to rethink the geographic-didactical education of German universities. Based on central didactical documents (e.g. standards for teacher training from the ministry of education) and empiric knowledge approaches of a renewed training concept for geography didactics are developed. Following, these approaches are presented within an ideal model of a compe-tence-orientated teacher training. The model consists of 5 steps of progression. For each step the aimed compe-tence focus and different forms of competence diagnostics are described. Furthermore all steps are illustrated with innovative examples.
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