2011, Band 39 - Heft 4
Recent Submissions
2011ZeitschriftenartikelFörderung interkultureller Kompetenz auf geographischen Exkursionen Intercultural competence as the objective of intercultural learning is part of the key qualifications of our society. In order to develop intercultural competence learning by experience through contact with other cultures ...
2011ZeitschriftenartikelErdkunde/Geographie in den Lehr- und Bildungsplänen für das Gymnasium in Baden-Württemberg 1957-2004 The organization of the school system and the curricula of different disciplines are part of the German states politics. This paper discusses whether or not the curricula of geography at grammar schools in the county of ...
2011ZeitschriftenartikelWissenserwerb im Kontext schulgeographischer Exkursionen The acquisition of competence in the area of knowledge constitutes an essential feature to assess the output of learning by excursions in the context of geographical education in school. Different, cognitivist and ...