Browsing Projektveröffentlichungen by Title
Now showing items 14-25 of 25
2021KonferenzveröffentlichungQuittungsformular, Schreibergepflogenheiten und Personalstruktur im Steuereinzug von Elephantine in frührömischer Zeit Ausgangspunkt für eine eingehendere Untersuchung der Formulare und Schreibergewohnheiten in Elephantine bildet die undurchsichtige Situation zu Anfang der römischen Herrschaft während des ersten Jahrhunderts, wo wir ...
2017-02-17ZeitschriftenartikelRevealing hidden text in rolled and folded papyri Ancient Egyptian papyri are often folded, rolled up or kept as small packages, sometimes even sealed. Physically unrolling or unfolding these packages might severely damage them. We demonstrate a way to get access to the ...
2021-06ZeitschriftenartikelRevisiting the Jerash Silver Scroll: A new visual data analysis approach This article revisits a complexly folded silver scroll excavated in Jerash, Jordan, in 2014 that was digitally examined in 2015. In this article we apply, examine and discuss a new virtual unfolding technique that results ...
2018-05-24ZeitschriftenartikelScribal Correction Dots on an Unpublished Elephantine Aramaic Papyrus Fragment In a box of unpublished Aramaic papyri from the 1906–1907 German excavations of Elephantine there is a small fragment (p. 23141) that uses scribal marks in a margin or vacat to identify a textual edit. This is the first ...
2018-09-12ZeitschriftenartikelSpectroscopic Approach for Characterization of Archaeological Potsherds Excavated from Some Neolithic Sites from Sudan In this paper multi-spectroscopic techniques for characterization of ancient potsherds excavated from different Neolithic sites (Esh-shaheinab, Kadero and Jebel-Um-Marahi), Sudan were reported. The experimental data inform ...
2018-05Teil eines BuchesThe ancient Story of Ahiqar from Mesopotamia and Egypt Arab and German Tales Verena M. Lepper (Hg.) Arab and German Tales Transcending Cultures Geschichtenerzählen ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Dieser Band ergänzt die Ausstellung »Arab and German Tales – ...
2015-10Teil eines BuchesThe Jewish Community at Elephantine Due to its arid climate, Egypt preserves a unique range and abundance of evidence providing insights into the emergence and establishment of new religions, their relationship to each other and the pagan past. Over 300 ...
2021-06-29ZeitschriftenartikelThin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains Thin, curved structures occur in many volumetric datasets. Their analysis using classical volume rendering is difficult because parts of such structures can bend away or hide behind occluding elements. This problem cannot ...
2021BuchTorah, Temple, Land Veröffentlicht auf Englisch. Dieser Band widmet sich den Erscheinungsformen, in denen das Judentum in der Antike Gestalt annahm. Bekanntlich war das antike Judentum eine Religion in ständigem Wandel, mit unterschiedlichen ...
2020-01ZeitschriftenartikelVirtual unfolding of folded papyri The historical importance of ancient manuscripts is unique since they provide information about the heritage of ancient cultures. Often texts are hidden in rolled or folded documents. Due to recent improvements in sensitivity ...
2020KonferenzveröffentlichungVIRTUAL UNFOLDING OF FOLDED PAPYRI One of the best sources of information about our cultural origin are written texts. Often, texts are hidden, sometimes erased, faded away, or written over, sometimes not easily accessible in rolled or folded documents. ...
2022ZeitschriftenartikelZeitloses Geschichtenerzählen