Browsing Number 04 by Title
Now showing items 6-7 of 7
2023-03ZeitschriftenartikelUntersuchung über die Dominanz der invasiven Seepockenart Austrominius modestus im Eulitoral und obersten Sublitoral des Sylter Königshafens Anthropogenic action has introduced many non-native species to different environments around the world. In northern Germany, the shores of the Island of Sylt in the Wadden Sea are no exception. Many alien species have been ...
2023-03ZeitschriftenartikelWie verändert sich das Verhalten von Pagurus bernhardus bei der Erhöhung von Temperatur- und Lichtverhältnissen? The hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus, which is native to the Wadden Sea, is permanently exposed to water level and associated temperature fluctuations due to the strong tides there. Closely related species, including P. ...