Obviation und temporale Abhängigkeit bei Subjunktiven
Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
In this paper, I present an analysis of obviation effects (obligatory disjoint reference of subjects in the matrix clause and subjects in subjunctive clauses selected by volitional verbs) in Russian and Polish. The analysis relies on cross-clausal feature dependencies involving temporal features of both clauses and on selectional properties of the volitional matrix verb. I assume that the temporal feature of volitional verbs integrates the respective feature of its complement clause. With respect to feature dependencies, I adopt the assumption made by Pesetsky/Torrego (2006, 2007) that feature valuation is in essence feature sharing. Further, I assume that (potentially cross-clausal) occurrences of features may constitute the relevant domains for construal processes (restrictions for coreference/coindexation). I will show that selectional properties of volitional verbs and the deficiency of the temporal feature of the clausal complement provide the prerequisite for cross-clausal feature sharing.
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