Browsing Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ETD2003 (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 20.05.2003 - 24.05.2003) by Title
Now showing items 6-25 of 63
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungCFP: Call for preservation! 16 institutions were surveyed regarding practices for long-term preservation of ETDs. The first part of this paper reports results of the survey. Results are organized into topical areas including: electronic file format; ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungCollaboration and ETDs: Institutional and International Strategies Developing collaborative projects requires focused goals and a process that encourages participation and takes advantage of each parties' skills. In this session, the presenter will describe some principles of successful ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungCommunity Tales: An Infrastructure for the Collaborative Construction of Digital Theses Repositories "Tales" (pronounced tä'lez in Spanish) is the codename for the ongoing project in charge of the construction of the digital theses collection and associated services at Universidad de las Américas, Puebla (UDLA). UDLA is ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungComponents for an extensible Enterprise e-Learning Environment Today the life cycle of technical knowledge decreases dramatically. Human resources departments e.g., Telekom Training Center (TTC) and Telekom Business Academy (TBA), look for well-developed, process-based concepts to ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungCreation of an online catalog of dissertations using Access & ASP The Fielding Graduate Institute is a small, private, non-profit graduate education institution that has not joined the NDLTD movement ... yet. To supplement the database (and availability) of its graduates' dissertations ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungDAEDALUS: Facing the Challenges of E-Theses at the University of Glasgow DAEDALUS is a three year nationally funded project to build a range of OAI-compliant digital collections at the University of Glasgow. These collections include published and peer-reviewed papers, grey literature and ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungDigital Library Initiatives in PRL Information Technology (IT) is most commonly used to mean computer technology and communication technology. The technologies of optical/video systems like CD-ROMs are also included in the computers group by the books and ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungE-Theses Developments in the UK Several projects are underway currently in the UK to promote the production, management and use of theses in electronic format. Funding from the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) is enabling three project teams ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungElectronic Dissertations at West Virginia University Implementation of the West Virginia University Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) program has proven to be one of our most effective marketing tools to promote the graduate research of our students, faculty and ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungElectronic Theses and Dissertations and the Necessity of a New Culture of Electronic Publishing The creating, using and supply of scholarly documents in a digital way by the internet is a new, additional and improved kind of scholarly communication in comparison to traditional paper-based procedure of publication. ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungETD Initiative of the University of the Free State, South Africa: A Roadmap The University of the Free State library like all the university libraries have been reinventing itself to meet the needs of the faculties and students. It has to respond to new educational models, changing modes of teaching, ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungETD Workflow and Training at l'Université Laval (Québec, Canada) The Université Laval ETD Collection has officially been launched in 2002 after years of preparation and studies. Our collection is using the etdms schema and is OAI compliant. It has been set up through an exemplary ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungExamples, goals, possibilities and limitations of international cooperation "International cooperation" has become one of the key issues in the library environment. The benefits of cooperation are important both for the library community and for its users. National boundaries loose their importance, ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungFrom DATAD to ETDs : the Way Forward The number of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) in Africa is increasing albeit slowly. The majority of initiatives in this arena are in South Africa but there are efforts to get institutions in other countries ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungHandling of LaTeX-ETDs and TeX-Conversion Within the natural sciences, in particular in mathematics, most of the ETDs are based on LaTeX-coded sources whereas the presentation format is more or less PDF. However, in the international library systems the LaTeX ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungImplementing an Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Initiative within the South African Context The end of 'Apartheid' in 1994 left Higher Education in South Africa with an unfair divide with two distinct groups, the so-called Historically Disadvantage Institutions (HDIs) and the ones that benefited from the ideology. ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIntegrating Electronic Dissertations in a Regular Library Workflow The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich introduced electronic dissertations in the year 2000. During the first phase the ETH Library scanned print dissertations retrospectively and made them available over ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIt's about Time! It's about time the NDLTD did something really significant for the membership. Of course, this is to say it's about time we did something for ourselves such as collaborating to ensure the long-term preservation and archiving ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLaTeX as an Archiving Format: Benefits and Problems Today, LaTeX is the standard format for writing papers in Mathematics as well as the preferred format for a major part of Physics. For presentations on the Web, these formats are usually transferred to PDF, a convenient ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLong term preservation of ETDs Since 1998 Online Dissertations are collected and archived by Die Deutsche Bibliothek on a voluntary basis. Online Dissertations are a special type of electronic publication. The task of longterm preservation of these ...