Browsing Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ETD2003 (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 20.05.2003 - 24.05.2003) by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 63
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungHandling of LaTeX-ETDs and TeX-Conversion Within the natural sciences, in particular in mathematics, most of the ETDs are based on LaTeX-coded sources whereas the presentation format is more or less PDF. However, in the international library systems the LaTeX ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungImplementing an Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Initiative within the South African Context The end of 'Apartheid' in 1994 left Higher Education in South Africa with an unfair divide with two distinct groups, the so-called Historically Disadvantage Institutions (HDIs) and the ones that benefited from the ideology. ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIntegrating Electronic Dissertations in a Regular Library Workflow The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich introduced electronic dissertations in the year 2000. During the first phase the ETH Library scanned print dissertations retrospectively and made them available over ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIt's about Time! It's about time the NDLTD did something really significant for the membership. Of course, this is to say it's about time we did something for ourselves such as collaborating to ensure the long-term preservation and archiving ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLaTeX as an Archiving Format: Benefits and Problems Today, LaTeX is the standard format for writing papers in Mathematics as well as the preferred format for a major part of Physics. For presentations on the Web, these formats are usually transferred to PDF, a convenient ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLong term preservation of ETDs Since 1998 Online Dissertations are collected and archived by Die Deutsche Bibliothek on a voluntary basis. Online Dissertations are a special type of electronic publication. The task of longterm preservation of these ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLong-term preservation of ETDs in Algeria: discussion through the CERIST Deposit system In Algeria, and according to an official decree issued in August 2000 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, an electronic copy of every Master's and PhD thesis defended in every academic institution ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungMarketing for participation: How can Electronic Dissertation Services win authors? Technical progress in electronic publishing affords increasingly sophisticated archiving and retrieval options for authors as well as readers of ETD and other university document publishing services. The "marketing" of ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungMetadata workflow based on reusing of original data The goal of the DiVA project is to develop a workflow where information from the original document created by the author can be reused to extract metadata for various purposes. Submission of item & creation of metadata ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungMIT's DSpace: a good fit for ETD's Developed jointly by the Hewlett-Packard Company and the MIT Libraries, DSpace is an open source software platform that enables institutions to establish a digital repository which can: *capture and describe digital works ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungOASIS Open Office XML File Format
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungPolitical, institutional and library stakes of ETD dissemination: the French-speaking Swiss experience. The experiment of the University of Geneva around electronically structured theses - in the frame of the "Cyberthèses" programm - has been scattered in the other universities of the French-speaking part of Switzerland, ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungPractical Solutions to ETD Issues The University of Texas at Austin has required electronic dissertations from its graduating doctoral students since the summer of 2001. During that time, over 1,000 etds have been submitted, with topics spanning the gamut ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungResistance to ETDs in Academe Electronic theses and dissertations are a technological and organizational innovation. As a technological innovation, they may redefine the content, structure or audience of the traditional print dissertation; as an ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungRetrospective Conversion of Theses and Dissertations While many universities have been moving forward with their efforts to support the submission of ETDs, a smaller number have made attempts to mine the huge store of traditional print theses and dissertation by converting ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungREVOLUTIONARY STEPS IN MOLDOVA IN THE FIELD OF ETD Toward the end of 2002, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) made its first steps in the field of Electronic Theses & Dissertations. A team working on the development of a web-based information portal for ASM ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungSave as XDiML (DissertationMarkupLanguage), Writing and Converting digital Theses and Dissertations using OpenOffice For 5 years now, doctoral candidates of Humboldt- University at Berlin can choose the digital publication as one option to publish their dissertation. The ?Electronic Publishing? Group provides stylesheets for Microsoft ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungScientific information for equitabel knowledge societies
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungSink or swim In 2002, the Australian Digital Theses Program (ADT) was formally established by the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). The ADT Program is enabling libraries to demonstrate new roles in scholarly ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungSome Considerations on Training ETD Teams in Developing Countries An ETD project requires various skills, besides the interaction of different groups of the university. Among the skills, a very important one is the knowledge about digital libraries - from metadata element sets to the ...