Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations ETD2003 (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 20.05.2003 - 24.05.2003)
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD2003)
20.05.2003 - 24.05.2003
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Peter Schirmbacher
Recent Submissions
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungOASIS Open Office XML File Format
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungLaTeX as an Archiving Format: Benefits and Problems Today, LaTeX is the standard format for writing papers in Mathematics as well as the preferred format for a major part of Physics. For presentations on the Web, these formats are usually transferred to PDF, a convenient ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungDigital Library Initiatives in PRL Information Technology (IT) is most commonly used to mean computer technology and communication technology. The technologies of optical/video systems like CD-ROMs are also included in the computers group by the books and ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungWriting with LateX Almost all publications in mathematics and other natural sciences are originally created using LaTeX. This format has many advantages, especially concerning the retrieval of information. Moreover, given a LaTeX-document, ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungWorkshop: XML-based Approaches for ETDs within OpenOffice As more and more academic institutions decide to implement XML-based publishing processes for ETDs, the need for efficient and easy-to-use authoring solutions grows. This workshop will focus on using OpenOffice functionality ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungComponents for an extensible Enterprise e-Learning Environment Today the life cycle of technical knowledge decreases dramatically. Human resources departments e.g., Telekom Training Center (TTC) and Telekom Business Academy (TBA), look for well-developed, process-based concepts to ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIntegrating Electronic Dissertations in a Regular Library Workflow The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich introduced electronic dissertations in the year 2000. During the first phase the ETH Library scanned print dissertations retrospectively and made them available over ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungIt's about Time! It's about time the NDLTD did something really significant for the membership. Of course, this is to say it's about time we did something for ourselves such as collaborating to ensure the long-term preservation and archiving ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungTutorial: OAI Originally developed as a means for metadata dissemination of preprint and eprint servers, the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) meanwhile has become a widely known solution to connect distributed electronic ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungTutorial: Introduction to XML Using XML for electronic publishing has a lot of advantages, as the format is vendor independent, readeable on any soft- or hardware platform and most suiteable for long term preservation. Unfortunately XML is always a ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungScientific information for equitabel knowledge societies
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungWelcome Welcome to ETD'2003, the Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). On behalf of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD, see, I encourage you to ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungVidyanidhi - the evolving Indian Digital Library of Electronic Theses Initiative This paper outlines the context, premises, goals, objectives, strategies and the architecture of the Vidyanidhi Project. Vidyanidhi is a project conceived with the objective of demonstrating the feasibility of Electronic ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungMarketing for participation: How can Electronic Dissertation Services win authors? Technical progress in electronic publishing affords increasingly sophisticated archiving and retrieval options for authors as well as readers of ETD and other university document publishing services. The "marketing" of ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungA workflow model for digital theses and dissertations Humboldt University at Berlin was one of the first German universities offering its PhD students to accomplish their duty to publish their theses and dissertations in an electronic way. To date Humboldt's document server ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungSave as XDiML (DissertationMarkupLanguage), Writing and Converting digital Theses and Dissertations using OpenOffice For 5 years now, doctoral candidates of Humboldt- University at Berlin can choose the digital publication as one option to publish their dissertation. The ?Electronic Publishing? Group provides stylesheets for Microsoft ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungHandling of LaTeX-ETDs and TeX-Conversion Within the natural sciences, in particular in mathematics, most of the ETDs are based on LaTeX-coded sources whereas the presentation format is more or less PDF. However, in the international library systems the LaTeX ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungA Union Catalog for ETD's Two years ago the NDLTD steering Committee requested that VTLS Inc. build a union catalog for NDLTD. Such a catalog has now been built and can be accessed at This presentation will discuss the nature ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungImplementing an Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Initiative within the South African Context The end of 'Apartheid' in 1994 left Higher Education in South Africa with an unfair divide with two distinct groups, the so-called Historically Disadvantage Institutions (HDIs) and the ones that benefited from the ideology. ...
2003-05-24KonferenzveröffentlichungResistance to ETDs in Academe Electronic theses and dissertations are a technological and organizational innovation. As a technological innovation, they may redefine the content, structure or audience of the traditional print dissertation; as an ...