Browsing Proceedings 2003 by Title
Now showing items 15-21 of 21
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUMAC worldwide database A web-based database has been developed in support of UMAC's mission. The database aims at providing a global directory of university museums and collections to be used by UMAC, researchers, students and the general public ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUMAC: Information, Ideas and International Collegiality The International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) identifies and enhances the strengths of university museums and collections. To do this, UMAC must find ground common to all the museums and ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUniversity collections as a tool for teaching multimedia literacy The rapidly growing use of digital media demands adequate multimedia and information technology skills. Students without sufficient media literacy are in need of further training. University collections provide a setting ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUniversity museums and collections of natural history Natural history museums and collections at American universities have been in decline for the past 30 years, due in part to increasing constraints on the financial support framework and the perception that natural history ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUniversity museums and formative experiences in natural history Many people who develop a passion for natural histoiy report formative experiences from their youth while exploring creeks and woodlands in their local area. With the advent of the internet and increased urbanization in ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelUnlocking the legacy of Alberta's Natural Science collections Alberta's natural science collections face fundamental challenges that are part of much larger issues beyond museums and collections. University collections can thrive in the midst of these challenges by focusing on a ...
2005-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelVirus and the whale: exploring evolution in amuseum collaboration A major new collaboration of museums in the U.S. will teach the public about current research in evolutionary biology. This project, entitled Explore Evolution, combines the strength of interactive exhibits, Web activities ...