University Museums and Collections Journal 2/2009
Recent Submissions
2010-01-28Teil eines PeriodikumsUniversity Museums and the Community
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelBuilding creative communities: How does a university museum work with family learning in a challenging community context? UCL Museums and Collections have worked with parents and children in the London Borough of Haringey for the past 4 years. The successful partnership between the Collections’ education officer and Haringey’s parental ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelAccessibility to university museums: A strategical objective In the National University of Colombia there are currently 25 museums and collections including art, medicine, natural science, anthropology and history. Taken together, they comprise the largest, most diverse and most ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelWays of seeing: A model for community partnership working This project was devised by staff at The Cambridge Resource Centre for individuals recovering from mental health problems and the Fitzwilliam Museum Education department. The aim was to move towards a program that was ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelUniversity museums in a university town: University of Tartu Museums in the service of the local community University museums bring academic potential to bear on community development in culture, education and tourism. Tartu as the seat of Estonia’s oldest and only classical university provides an excellent example of this. ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelThe role of the university museum in community development The development of universities as participants in the cultural life of a city is a new and welcome development that in many cases has been led by the university’s museums. This paper discusses the resulting change in the ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelThe community service of the Ghent University Zoology Museum The Ghent University Zoology Museum is not only providing guided exhibitions, but is more and more organizing fun workshops and practical exercises for all members of the community: families, toddlers (kindergarten), ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelSecondary school program at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History The Oxford University Museum of Natural History runs a series of themed science study days for up to 300 Key Stage 5 students. The day’s program includes short lectures from academics and curators and a range of smaller ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelFamily matters: The role of university museums in intergenerational learning Working within university museums in England, both museum educators and faculty staff are comfortable with pre-defined formal learning groups and subjects that ‘tie into the curriculum’. However, when engaging with ‘the ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelA purpose-driven university museum University museums expend much energy dividing their time, staff, and resources serving the needs of both the academic institution and the surrounding community. Not only does this often duplicate efforts, but can lead to ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelOn the road again: Reaching out to isolated school communities Country New South Wales is very isolated from the urban environment of Sydney. As such, country schools find it difficult to access ancient museum material to support the teaching of the school curriculum in ancient history. ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelCourting controversy - the Lindow Man exhibition at the Manchester Museum The discovery of the well-preserved body of a 2,000 year old man at Lindow Moss near Wilmslow, Manchester, UK, in 1984 provided archaeologists and forensic scientists with a veritable time capsule of evidence concerning ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelInternal audience: A key to success The University of Adelaide (founded 1874) is a third oldest university in Australia. It has 23 collections that represent the wide range of its academic research across the arts and the sciences. A central challenge in ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelBeyond teaching: Out of hours at the Grant Museum To a large extent university museums are dependent on their governing institutions for operational funding and support, space and staffing. At the Grant Museum of Zoology, we identify University College London (UCL) students ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelThe effect of digitalized museum information on learning Five years ago, the Gemstones Museum began introducing Iranians to the art, science and industry of gemstones and minerals. One of the ways that the Gemstones Museum tries to communicate is through making its digital ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelChasing the online audience Museums have engaged with web audiences and web technologies with mixed success. Some careful consideration and analysis of general web browsing trends suggests that in order to enable museums websites to reach a wider ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelWeb communication. A content analysis of German university collections and museums websites The internet opens up new horizons for (science) communication: through classical websites, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, or videos. Specific research on the potential these communication media offer for university museums and ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelUniversity museums and outreach: the Newcastle upon Tyne case study This paper describes developments in attitudes to public access and outreach at the University of Newcastle over the past thirty years, and the impact of those developments on the University’s Museum of Antiquities. The ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelWhat opportunities can university museums offer for academic-public interaction? Some lessons from London’s Beacon for Public Engagement UCL has recently been named one of the UK’s Beacons for Public Engagement, a group of higher education institutions tasked with finding ways to change the culture of Higher Education to include the public better. UCL’s new ...
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelIvory tower or welcoming neighbor? Engaging our local communities The Yale Peabody Museum is situated in the economically and ethnically diverse urban environment of New Haven. For over ten years the museum has run extremely popular cultural festivals that attract a diverse audience of ...