Browsing Elektronische Zeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 60-79 of 5051
1998-05-25ZeitschriftenartikelA Program to Split Computer Graphics Metafiles into Individual Graphs
2010-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelA purpose-driven university museum University museums expend much energy dividing their time, staff, and resources serving the needs of both the academic institution and the surrounding community. Not only does this often duplicate efforts, but can lead to ...
2017-09-26BuchA randomized method for handling a difficult function in a convex optimization problem, motivated by probabilistic programming We propose a randomized gradient method for the handling of a convex function whose gradient computation is demanding. The method bears a resemblance to the stochastic approximation family. But in contrast to stochastic ...
2003-01-01ZeitschriftenartikelA renaissance of German university collections German universities' host many remarkable collections, some being of local interest only, while others are of immense academic value. In recent years, university collections have attracted considerable interest by both ...
2008-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelA Ride Through the new age of Librarianship: Various Questions and Only a Few Answers
2021-01-22ZeitschriftenartikelA Second Coming: The Specular and the Spectacular 50 Years on
2007-05-29BuchA Short Note on the Probabilistic Set Covering Problem In this paper we address the following probabilistic version (PSC) of the set coveringproblem: $ min{cx | P(Ax ≥ ξ) ≥ p, x_j \in {0, 1} j \in N }$ where A is a 0-1 matrix, ξis a random 0-1 vector and $p \in (0, 1]$ is the ...
2015-04-09BuchA Simulation Based Approach to Solve A Specific Type of Chance Constrained Optimization We solve the chance constrained optimization with convexfeasible set through approximating the chance constraint by another convexsmooth function. The approximation is based on the numerical properties of theBernstein ...
2012-01-16ZeitschriftenartikelA special exhibition about research projects — a new form of scientific communication As part of a recent development, special exhibitions can now be funded by research money in Germany. In this context, an interdisciplinary research association which investigates ancient civilizations from the 6th millennium ...
2002-03-14BuchA splitting method for stochastic programs This paper derives a new splitting-based decomposition algorithm for convex stochastic programs. It combines certain attractive features of the progressive hedging algorithm of Rockafellar and Wets, the dynamic splitting ...
2005-07-06BuchA Stochastic Gradient Type Algorithm for Closed Loop Problems We focus on solving closed-loop stochastic problems, and propose a perturbed gradient algorithm to achieve this goal. The main hurdle in such problems is the fact that the control variables are infinite dimensional, and ...
2002-04-23BuchA stochastic intra-ring synchronous optimal network design problem We develop a stochastic programming approach to solving an intra-ring Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) design problem. This research differs from pioneering SONET design studies in two fundamental ways. First, while ...
2002-12-19BuchA stochastic program for optimizing military sealift subject to attack We describe a stochastic program for planning the wartime, sealift deployment of military cargo subject to attack. The cargo moves on ships from US or allied seaports of embarkation through seaports of debarkation (SPODs) ...
2003-07-07BuchA stochastic programming approach for supply chain network design under uncertainty This paper proposes a stochastic programming model and solution algorithm for solving sup-ply chain network design problems of a realistic scale. Existing approaches for these problems are either restricted to deterministic ...
2003-01-09BuchA stochastic programming approach to power portfolio optimization The DASH model for Power Portfolio Optimization provides a tool which helps decision-makers coordinate production decisions with opportunities in the wholesale power market. The methodology is based on a stochastic programming ...
2004-05-17BuchA stochastic programming approach to resource-constrained assignment problems We address the resource-constrained generalizations of the assignment problem with uncertain resource capacities, where the resource capacities have an unknown distribution that can be sampled. We propose three stochastic ...
2003-06-20BuchA stochastic programming model for asset liability management of a Finnish pension company This paper describes a stochastic programming model that was developed for asset liability management of a Finnish pension company. In many respects the model resembles those presented in the literature , but it has some ...
2012-01-16ZeitschriftenartikelA survey of university museums in Shanghai and their role in World 2010 World Expo is a grand gathering of the world cultures, during which the host city welcomes people from around the world and also takes this significant opportunity to promote its culture and spirit. Besides the new pavilions ...
2015-05-27ZeitschriftenartikelA Textbook for Infinite Learning
2000-08-12BuchA two-stage planning model for power scheduling in a hydro-thermal system under uncertainty A two-stage stochastic programming model for the short- or mid-term cost-optimal electric power production planning is developed. We consider the power generation in a hydro-thermal generation system under uncertainty in ...