Browsing Institut für Informatik by Title
Now showing items 54-66 of 66
2010-01-01BuchRDFMatView The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web aims to create a universal medium for the exchange of semantically described data. The idea of representing this information by means of directed labelled graphs, ...
2006-01-01BuchReduction Rules for Interaction Graphs The internet today has grown to be more than just being a basis for exchanging information. It steadily becomes a platform for processing business processes. Many companies distribute their service with the help of web ...
2006-01-01BuchRelationship-Based Duplicate Detection Recent work both in the relational and the XML world have shown that the efficacy and efficiency of duplicate detection is enhanced by regarding relationships between ancestors and descendants. We present a novel comparison ...
2006-01-01BuchReliability Modeling of Proactive Fault Handling Research on dependable computing is undergoing a shift from traditional fault tolerance towards techniques that handle faults proactively. These techniques comprise two parts: (a) prediction of failures and (b) actions ...
2005-07-06BuchSDL Specification and Simulation of TDM/CDMA VSAT Integrated Service Satellite Communication Network SDT'88, an implemented tool of SDL'88, is employed for description and simulation of TDM/CDMA VSAT Integrated Service Satellite Communication Network. A complete specification of this large scale system, which includes ...
2010-01-01BuchService Discovery Using Communication Fingerprints A request to a service registry must be answered with a service that fits in several regards, including semantic compatibility, non-functional compatibility, and interface compatibility. In the case of stateful services, ...
2009-01-01BuchSeven Scenarios for Context-aware Systems We show present seven scenarios for context-ware systems that were developed by groups of students in a Master’s-level course at Humboldt University Berlin during the Summer semester 2009. The goal was to write scenarios ...
2008-01-01BuchSimulating and reconstructing language change In this work we probe phylogenetic algorithms for their ability to reconstruct historic language relationships. We present a formal model for the development of languages incorporating vertical (genealogical) and horizontal ...
2005-02-28BuchStoring and Querying Historical Texts in a Relational Database Diese Arbeit beschreibt einen Ansatz für die Speicherung und Anfrage eines großen Korpus linguistisch annotierter historischer Texte mit Hilfe eines relationalen Datenbanksystems. Texte in solch einem Korpus haben ...
2005-06-30BuchThe Dimensions of Petri Nets: The Petri Net Cube There exist many different Petri net formalisms. In this paper, we present the Petri Net Cube which helps to structure and classify the variety of Petri net formalisms. We show, that three basic aspects are sufficient for ...
2009-01-01BuchTowards Agile Language Engineering Language engineering is software engineering concerned with computer languages. Agile language engineering is the result of adapting agile principles to language engineering. An agile language engineering process is ...
2005-06-30BuchValidierung eines Petrinetz-basierten Steuerungssystems
2005-07-06BuchVerteilte Geschäftsprozesse modellieren und analysieren Verteilte Geschäftsprozesse nutzen das Internet, um auf heterogenen Rechnerstrukturen Dienste auszubieten. Modellierungstechniken und Implementierungssprachen für solche Dienste werfen im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Rechnern ...