Browsing Institut für Informatik by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 66
2011-08-17BuchDatabase Theory - Petri Net Theory - Workflow Theory
2009-01-01BuchDaubechies Versus Biorthogonal Wavelets for Moving Object Detection in Traffic Monitoring Systems Moving object detection is a fundamental task for a variety of traffic applications. In this paper the Daubechies and biorthogonal wavelet families are exploited for extracting the relevant movement information in moving ...
2008-01-01BuchDeciding Substitutability of Services with Operating Guidelines Deciding whether a service S can be substituted by another service S0 is an important problem in practice and one of the research challenges in service-oriented computing. In this paper, we define three substitutability ...
2011-08-17BuchDer Petrinetz-Kern Version 1.0
2006-01-30BuchDistributed Abstract State Machines and Their Expressive Power Gurevich’s sequential Abstract State Machines (ASMs) are taken as a basis for the construction of distributed ASMs as sets of sequential ASMs. A theorem on the expressive power of distributed ASM is proven in analogy to ...
2011-08-17BuchEine vergleichende Analyse von historischen und diachronen digitalen Korpora
1998-03-13BuchEinsatz von ILF und DAWN zur Verifikation verteilter Algorithmen
2007-01-01BuchEntwurf und Verifikation nachrichtenbasierter verteilter Algorithmen durch verteilende Verfeinerung Um Entwurf und Verifikation komplizierter verteilter Algorithmen leichter und verständlicher zu machen, wird oft eine Verfeinerungsmethode verwendet. Dabei wird ein einfacher Algorithmus, der gewünschte Eigenschaften ...
2007-11-01BuchEreignisorientierte Computersimulation mit ODEMx
2011-08-17BuchFlexibility in Algebraic Nets
2011-08-17BuchGeneralizing Timing Predictions to Set-Associative Caches
2006-01-01BuchGRIPP Many applications require querying graph-structured data. As graphs grow in size, indexing becomes essential to ensure sufficient query performance. We present the GRIPP index structure (GRaph Indexing based on Pre- and ...
2005-07-06BuchHazard Detection in a GALS Wrapper: a Case study An asynchronous wrapper of a fabricated GALS system is analyzed for hazards. For this purpose a Petri net based modelling approach of this GALS wrapper is presented. In our model the question whether a hazard can occur in ...
2005-11-18BuchImplementing Linguistic Query Languages Using LoToS A linguistic database is a collection of texts where sentences and words are annotated with linguistic information, such as part of speech, morphology, and syntactic sentence structure. While early linguistic databases ...
2011-08-17BuchIntegrating Distributed Algorithms into Distributed Systems Distributed algorithms are often part of a larger distributed system. Usually the properties of the algorithm are proven for the algorithm in isolation. Then, it is not obvious how the algorithm behaves integrated into a ...
2005-04-19BuchLinks and Paths through Life Sciences Data Sources
2006-04-12BuchMatching Nondeterministic Services with Operating Guidelines Interorganizational cooperation is more and more organized by the paradigm of services. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) provides a general framework for service interaction. It describes three roles, service provider, ...
2009-01-01BuchMax-Type Rank Tests, U-Tests, and Adaptive Tests for the Two-Sample Location Problem - An Asymptotic Power Study For the two-sample location problem we first consider two types of tests, linear rank tests with various scores, but also some tests based on U-statistics. For both types we construct adaptive tests as well as max-type ...
2011-08-17BuchMeeting Deadlines in Complex Systems