Die Informatikberichte erscheinen seit 1990 aperiodisch. Herausgeber sind die Professoren des Instituts für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
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Recent Submissions
2011-08-17BuchEine vergleichende Analyse von historischen und diachronen digitalen Korpora
2011-08-17BuchAdvanced Failure Prediction in Complex Software Systems The availability of software systems can be increased by preventive measures which are triggered by failure prediction mechanisms. In this paper we present and evaluate two non-parametric techniques which model and predict ...
2011-08-17BuchMeeting Deadlines in Complex Systems
2011-08-17BuchBusiness Process Execution Language for Web services
2011-08-17BuchIntegrating Distributed Algorithms into Distributed Systems Distributed algorithms are often part of a larger distributed system. Usually the properties of the algorithm are proven for the algorithm in isolation. Then, it is not obvious how the algorithm behaves integrated into a ...
2011-08-17BuchDatabase Theory - Petri Net Theory - Workflow Theory
2011-08-17BuchDer Petrinetz-Kern Version 1.0
2011-08-17BuchFlexibility in Algebraic Nets
2011-08-17BuchGeneralizing Timing Predictions to Set-Associative Caches
1996-05-22BuchPetri Net Based Verification of Distributed Algorithms A technique to describe and to verify distributed algorithms is suggested. This technique (based on Petri nets) reduces the modelling- and analysis effort to a reasonable expenditure. The paper outlines the technique along ...
2010-01-01BuchService Discovery Using Communication Fingerprints A request to a service registry must be answered with a service that fits in several regards, including semantic compatibility, non-functional compatibility, and interface compatibility. In the case of stateful services, ...
2010-01-01BuchAnalysis of Affymetrix Exon Arrays Exon arrays enable the monitoring of expression on a more fine-grained level than conventional 3’ arrays. By targeting single exons alternative splicing events can be detected. However, the increased amount of data ...
2010-01-01BuchRDFMatView The Semantic Web as an evolution of the World Wide Web aims to create a universal medium for the exchange of semantically described data. The idea of representing this information by means of directed labelled graphs, ...
2009-01-01BuchSeven Scenarios for Context-aware Systems We show present seven scenarios for context-ware systems that were developed by groups of students in a Master’s-level course at Humboldt University Berlin during the Summer semester 2009. The goal was to write scenarios ...
2009-01-01BuchDaubechies Versus Biorthogonal Wavelets for Moving Object Detection in Traffic Monitoring Systems Moving object detection is a fundamental task for a variety of traffic applications. In this paper the Daubechies and biorthogonal wavelet families are exploited for extracting the relevant movement information in moving ...
2009-01-01BuchMax-Type Rank Tests, U-Tests, and Adaptive Tests for the Two-Sample Location Problem - An Asymptotic Power Study For the two-sample location problem we first consider two types of tests, linear rank tests with various scores, but also some tests based on U-statistics. For both types we construct adaptive tests as well as max-type ...
2009-01-01BuchTowards Agile Language Engineering Language engineering is software engineering concerned with computer languages. Agile language engineering is the result of adapting agile principles to language engineering. An agile language engineering process is ...
2008-01-01BuchNPART - Node Placement Algorithm for Realistic Topologies in Wireless Multihop Network Simulation Despite a considerable number of topology generation algorithms for simulation of wireless multihop networks it is difficult to find one with output similar to real networks [13]. In this paper, we propose NPART { a Node ...
2008-05-11BuchOclets Usually, a component in a distributed system has assumptions about the remaining components of the system. A change in one component might require to change other components as well. It may happen that the change has to ...
2008-01-01BuchDeciding Substitutability of Services with Operating Guidelines Deciding whether a service S can be substituted by another service S0 is an important problem in practice and one of the research challenges in service-oriented computing. In this paper, we define three substitutability ...