Browsing Institut für Mathematik by Title
Now showing items 51-70 of 329
2004-05-03BuchCharacterization and Computation of a "Good Control" Models for physical systems often take the form of implicit or behavioral models. One important problem is the identification of which combinations of variables are good candidtates for control variables. This paper first ...
2006-11-01BuchCharacterization of Calmness for Banach space mappings We characterize calmness of multifunctions explicitly by calmness of level sets to globally Lipschitz functions, by convergence of specific solution methods for the related inclusions as well as by solvability of crucial ...
2005-10-26BuchCharacterization of stability for cone increasing constraint mappings We investigate stability (in terms of metric regularity) for the specific class of cone increasing constraint mappings. This class is of interest in problems with additional knowledge on some nondecreasing behavior of the ...
2005-11-04BuchCharacterizing differential algebraic equations without the use of derivative arrays For a large class of differential algebraic equations with properly stated leading terms and nonsmooth data, an index characterization in terms of the original coefficients and their only first partial derivatives is given. ...
2011-09-20BuchComputation of Iterative operator-splitting methods In this paper we describe a computation of iterative operator-splitting method, which are known as competitive splitting methods. We derived a closed form, based on commutators for the iterative method. The schemes apply ...
2000-07-04BuchComputing Green Currents via the Heat Kernel Let X be a compact Kähler manifold. We show that there exists a unique Green current gY for any cycle Y in X. We show that the current gY is a form with L1-coefficients. The heat kernel applied to the Dirac distribution ...
2011-08-11BuchConsistency of Iterative Operator-Splitting Methods In this paper we describe a different operator-splitting method for decoupling complex equations with multi-dimensional and multi-physical processes for applications for porous media and phase-transitions. We introduce ...
2005-11-09BuchConsistent initial values for DAE systems in circuit simulation One of the difficulties of the numerical integration methods for differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) is computing consistent initial values before starting the integration, i.e. calculating values that satisfy the given ...
2006-01-01BuchConvergence of adaptive FEM for a class of degenerate convex minimization problems A class of degenerate convex minimization problems allows for some adaptive finite element method (AFEM) to compute strongly converging stress approximations. The algorithm AFEM consists of successive loops of the form ...
2011-09-20BuchCoupled Navier Stokes-Molecular Dynamics Simulation using Iterative Operator-Splitting Methods In this paper, we contribute a multi-scale method based on an iterative operator splitting method, which takes into account the disparity of the macro- and microscopic scales. We couple Navier Stokes and Molecular Dynamics ...
2005-11-17BuchCriteria for the trivial solution of differential algebraic equations with small nonlinearities to be asymptotically stable Differential algebraic equations consisting of a constant coefficient linear part and a small nonlinearity are considered. Conditions that enable linearizations to work well are discussed. In particular, for index-2 ...
1997-01-27BuchCurves in P3 with good restriction of the tangent bundle Restriction of a stable vector bundle on a variety to a subvariety does not always preserves stability. Here we consider this situation for the P3 the tangent bundle E of the projective space and its restriction to space ...
2000-03-28BuchCyclotomic Curve Families over Elliptic Curves with Complete Picard-Einstein Metric According to a problem of Hirzebruch we look for models of biproducts of elliptic CM-curves with Picard modular structure. We introduce the singular mean value of crossing elliptic divisors on surfaces and determine its ...
2005-11-02BuchDecoding of codes on Picard curves The Picard curves are genus three curves with a non trivial automorphism, which have been intensively studied due their connection with interesting number theoretic problems. In 1989, R. Pellikaan obtained an algorithm ...
2005-10-20BuchDecomposition of a Multi-Stage Stochastic Programfor Power Dispatch We develop a multi-stage stochastic program for the optimal dispatch of electric power under uncertain demand in a generation system comprising thermal and pumped storage hydro plants. Based on an abstract duality argument ...
2005-11-02BuchDelay differential equations driven by Lévy processes: stationarity and Feller properties We consider a stochastic delay differential equation driven by a general Lévy process. Both, the drift and the noise term may depend on the past, but only the drift term is assumed to be linear. We show that the segment ...
1996-11-01BuchDensely defined selections of set-valued mappings and applications to the geometry of Banach spaces and optimization
2005-11-02BuchDifferentiable Selections of Set-Valued Mappings We consider set-valued mappings defined on a linear normed space with convex closed images in IRn. Our aim is to construct selections which are (Hadamard) directionally differentiable using some approximation of the ...
2005-11-16BuchDifferentiable Selections of Set-Valued Mappings and Asymptotic Behavior of Random Sets in Infinite Dimensions We consider set-valued mappings acting between two linear normed spaces and having convex closed images. Our aim is to construct selections with directional differentiability properties up to the second order, using certain ...
2005-11-07BuchDifferential algebraic systems anew Linear differential algebraic equations with properly stated leading term are considered via a decoupling into their essential parts. It is shown why for so-called numerically well formulated equations the decoupling and ...