Browsing Preprints aus dem Institut für Mathematik by Subject "Jacobian Varieties"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
2006-01-01BuchA Geometric Interpretation of Reduction in the Jacobians of C ab Curves In this paper, we show that the reduction of divisors in the Jacobian of a curve $C$ can be performed by considering the intersections of a suitable projective model of $C$ with quadrics in projective space. We apply this ...
2005-11-02BuchDecoding of codes on Picard curves The Picard curves are genus three curves with a non trivial automorphism, which have been intensively studied due their connection with interesting number theoretic problems. In 1989, R. Pellikaan obtained an algorithm ...
1998-07-15BuchEfficient Reduction on the Jacobian Variety of Picard curves In this paper, a system of coordinates for the elements on the Jacobian Variety of Picard curves is presented. These coordinates possess a nice geometric interpretation and provide us with an unifying environment to obtain ...
2005-07-01BuchReduktions- und Additionsverfahren für die Jacobische Varietät von Kurvenfamilien mit kryptischen Anwendungen In this paper we represent a reduction and addition algorithm for non hyperelliptic curves of genus 3. Our aim is to give an explicit representation of the group law in the jacobian varieties of curves belonging to the ...
2001-02-15BuchThe Emergence of Picard Jacobians in Cryptography In this paper we present a new family of Jacobian Varieties defined over finite fields that provides many elements whose group structure is suitable for cryptosystems based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm ...