THESys Discussion Papers
THESys Discussion Papers provide a platform for the publication of high quality, theoretically and/or empirically rigorous research or review papers, essays, policy briefs, discussions, reports, book reviews, short scientific communication and other more alternative forms of scientific communication which advance knowledge about the human-environment nexus.
IRI THESys - Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 2093-66336
Fax: +49 30 2093-66335
Recent Submissions
2022-03DiskussionspapierPrävention vor Kompensation: Umgang mit CO2-Emissionen durch Dienstreisen Durch Dienstreisen tragen Wissenschaft und Forschung zu Umwelt- und Klimaschäden bei. Die Studierenden der Humboldt-Themenklasse „Nachhaltigkeit & Globale Gerechtigkeit“ legen dem Akademischen Senat der HU Berlin deshalb ...
2021-08DiskussionspapierWissenschaftliches Reisen Die Themenklasse 2020/21 möchte mit ihrer Studie einen Grundstein in Richtung nachhaltiger Reisen an der HU legen. Sie hat in ihrer Forschungsarbeit eine wichtige Quelle der CO2-Emissionen, wissenschaftliche (Dienst)-Reisen ...
2021-05DiskussionspapierHow activist should scientists be? On a Friday evening in late September 2019, 21 PhD students from every continent but Antarctica gathered in a dimly lit room on the second floor of Sophienstraße 22a in Berlin. This was the climax of a week-long summer ...
2020-01DiskussionspapierTrapped between barriers OR Flowing despite barriers? The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) is said to be a directive of a new generation as it is very flexible to avoid institutional misfits during implementation. Nevertheless, 20 years after putting the WFD into force ...
2020-01DiskussionspapierWRRL-Umsetzungshürden: Unpassierbar oder durchgängig für Maßnahmenträger? Die EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) wird eine Richtlinie der neuen Generation genannt, da sie flexibel gehalten wurde, um institutionelle ‘Misfits’ während der Implementierung zu vermeiden. Nichtsdestotrotz, 20 Jahre nach ...
2019-11-26DiskussionspapierMaßnahmen zur nachhaltigen Ernährung in öffentlichen Kantinen zwischen Bevormundung und Mündigkeit
2018-04-18DiskussionspapierEnergiewenden in Berlin Die folgenden Beiträge entstanden aus Hausarbeiten, die von Bachelor-Studierenden im Rahmen des Studienprojekts "Die Energiewende in Städten: Praxen, Projekte, Politik" am Institut für Geographie der Humboldt-Universität ...
2017-12-15DiskussionspapierEffectiveness of gaming for communicating and teaching climate change Games are increasingly proposed as an innovative way to convey scientific insights on the climateeconomic system to students, non-experts and the wider public. Yet, it is not clear if games can meet such expectations. We ...
2017-10-17DiskussionspapierAn Analysis of the Sustainability of the Increasing Consumption of Bolivian and Peruvian Quinoa at University Canteens in Berlin The THESys Discussion Paper “An Analysis of the Sustainability of the Increasing Consumption of Bolivian and Peruvian Quinoa at University Canteens in Berlin” represents the first report in this series compiled solely ...
2017-03-22DiskussionspapierThe position of scientists in transformations of human-environment systems. An inquiry into IRI THESys research practices Transformation is a multi-faceted concept with various meanings and assumptions about desired human-environment relationships and pathways towards the ideal (sustainable) society. We need a better understanding of the ...
2016-12-05DiskussionspapierMy m² Earth. A collaborative photo project on global change The participatory photo project My m² Earth was designed to be an online gallery visualizing localized aspects of global change. Between October 2015 and March 2016, 78 pictures taken by 53 separate photographers were ...
2016-06-17DiskussionspapierEcoporn, Irrationalities and Radical Environmentalism This study explores the ‘irrationalities’ of deep ecology activism in the context of radical environmentalism by using the empirical example of ecoporn. Fuck For Forest is an environmental Non-Governmental Organisation ...
2016-04-08DiskussionspapierMoving beyond natural resources as a source of conflict Over the past decades, an increasing number of research studies have explored the linkages between the biophysical environment, environmental scarcity and violent conflicts. Contrary to the viewpoints concerning those ...
2016-02-19DiskussionspapierThe polycentricity approach and the research challenges confronting environmental governance Literature on environmental governance has shown renewed interest in polycentricity and polycentric governance, a perspective that has been first suggested by Vincent and Elinor Ostrom throughout studies of metropolitan ...
2015-10-26DiskussionspapierGeoengineering and the Accusation of Hubris Geoengineering aims at a large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment in order to counteract climate change. Different ethical worries concerning geoengineering have been formulated. Amongst these a core wrong ...
2015-10-26DiskussionspapierChange point and trend analyses of annual expectile curves of tropical storms Motivated by the conjectured existence of trends in the intensity of tropical storms, this paper proposes new inferential methodology to detect a trend in the annual pattern of environmental data. The new methodology can ...
2015-04-28DiskussionspapierDiscussing rural-to-urban migration reversal in contemporary sub Saharan Africa: The case of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso In recent research on rural-to-urban migration in sub Saharan Africa, a major point of discussion has been to what extent cities in this region are growing as fast as previously assumed and what role rural-to-urban migration ...
2014-08-08DiskussionspapierExploring the potential of the telecoupling framework for understanding land change The concept of telecoupling has recently been proposed in Land System Science as an analytical framework to address the increasing importance of distal connections and flows in driving current land use change. In this IRI ...