Schriftenreihe des Seminars für Ländliche Entwicklung: SLE AP-Studien: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 113
2024-04BuchClimate-resilient cities: Improving institutional capacity for inclusive environmental management in Bangladesh through Urban Living Labs
2024-04BuchFostering potentials of Circular Economy in Albania
2024-05BuchVers une gestion intégrée du paysage BSB Yamoussa
2023-05BuchImproving climate resilience through agroecology and adaptive policies
2023-05BuchCulminación de la Cooperación Técnica Bilateral entre Alemania y Paraguay
2022BuchAgrarökologie und ländliche Entwicklung
2022BuchFrom method to action
2022BuchEat safe, eat well! Strengthening the institutional capacity and resilience of the food safety system in Tunisia
2022BuchAgroecology and rural development
2022BuchMangeons sûr, mangeons bien ! Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et de la résilience du système de sécurité sanitaire des aliments en Tunisie
2021BuchThe impact of chicken imports on the Beninese poultry industry
2021BuchL‘impact des importations de poulet sur la filière avicole béninoise
2022-03-25BuchSustainability Hotspot Analysis 2.0
2022-03-25BuchAnnex: Sustainability Hotspot Analysis 2.0
2021-07BuchCooperating out of poverty?
2021-05BuchAgency in South Africa´s food systems
2020BuchWhat is in it for me?
2020-06BuchEt moi, j’y gagne quoi?
2020-04BuchAdaptation of rural livelihoods to structural and climatic changes in Western Mongolia
2020BuchBridging the Gap between People and Nature