Discussion papers of interdisciplinary research project 373 / Sonderforschungsbereich 373
Fortlaufende Reihe des inzwischen abgeschlossenen Sonderforschungsbereichs 373 "Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes"
Recent Submissions
1995-11-01BuchManagervergütung und Unternehmenserfolg Die Agency-Theorie verweist darauf, daß die Trennung von Eigentum und Kontrolle in Unternehmen zu einem Interessenskonflikt führen kann, wenn Informationsasymmetrien und opportunistisches Verhalten beobachtet werden. ...
2007-02-21BuchRank Tests for Unit Roots In order to obtain exact distributional results without imposing restrictive parametric assumptions, several rank counterparts of the Dickey-Fuller statistic are considered. In particular, a rank counterpart of the score ...
1996-01-01BuchRückberechnung des DAX für die Jahre 1955 bis 1987
2007-02-21BuchPenalized quasi-likelihood estimation in partial linear models
1995-12-01BuchPreisregeln für Auktionen und Ausschreibungen Dieser Diskussionsbeitrag kommentiert Güths axiomatische Begründung der Zweit-Preis-Auktion. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch Güths umfangreiche Analyse der Lambda-Auktion durch eine einfache und anschaulich interpretierbare ...
1995-12-01BuchThird- and Higher-Price Auctions This paper solves the equilibrium bid functions of third- and higher-price auctions for a large class of distribution functions of bidders’ valuations, assuming the symmetric independent private values framework, and risk ...
1997-11-07BuchSpecific Institutional Aspects of International Cooperation If one abstracts from specially organized markets like stock or commodity exchanges, (international) trade relies on bargaining between the interested parties. Whereas earlier the results of bargaining were seen as ...
2006-06-09BuchQuantile Regression Estimates for a Class of Linear and Partially Linear Errors-in-Variables Models We consider the problem of estimating quantile regression coefficients in errors-in-variables models. When the error variables for both the response and the manifest variables have a joint distribution that is spherically ...
2006-06-09BuchBootstrap Approximations in a Partially Linear Regression Model
2006-06-09BuchLarge Sample Theory of the Estimation of the Error Distribution for a Semiparametric Model
2006-06-09BuchOn adaptive estimation in partial linear models The problem of estimation of the finite dimensional parameter in a partial linear model is considered. We derive upper and lower bounds for the second minimax order risk and show that the second order minimax estimator is ...
1998-03-09BuchMultivariate Plug-in Bandwidth for Local Linear Regression Optimal bandwidths for local polynomial regression usually involve functionals of the derivatives of the unknown regression function. In the multivariate case, estimates of these functionals are not readily available, ...
1997-12-01BuchSemiparametric Modelling of the Cross-Section of Expected Returns in the German Stock Market According to the Sharpe-Lintner capital asset pricing model, expected rates of return on individual stocks differ only because of their different levels of non-diversifiable risk (beta). However, Fama/French (1992) show ...
2006-06-09BuchA Nonparametric Analysis of Regional Unemployment Dynamics in Britain This paper estimates the probability distribution of relative county unemployment in Britain for the years 1981-1995. We find that the distribution is unimodal in all years, with a falling variance between 1989 and 1994. ...
1997-11-27BuchOrder Selection in Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a VAR Process The impact of the choice of the lag length on tests for the number of cointegration relations in a vector autoregressive (VAR) process is investigated. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio (LR) ...
1997-11-25BuchA Money Demand System for M3 in the Unified Germany A small macroeconomicmodel is constructed starting from a German money demand relation for M3 based on quarterly, seasonally unadjusted data for the period from 1976 to 1996. In contrast to previous studies we build a ...
1997-10-24BuchMöglichkeiten und Ansätze der Analyse dreimodaler Daten für die Marktforschung
2006-06-08BuchOn Robustness of Model-Based Bootstrap Schemes in Nonparametric Time Series Analysis Theory in time series analysis is often developed in the context of finite-dimensional models for the data generating process. Whereas corresponding estimators such as those of a conditional mean function are reasonable ...
2006-06-08BuchStrong Approximation of Density Estimators from Weakly Dependent Observations by Density Estimators from Independent Observations
1997-10-17BuchProblems Related to Bootstrapping Impulse Responses of Autoregressive Processes Bootstrap confidence intervals for impulse responses computed from autoregressive processes are considered. A detailed analysis of the methods in current use shows that they are not very reliable in some cases. In particular, ...