Recent museum ethical policies and their implications for university museums | Kelm, Bonnie | | | 2017-06-16T20:57:14Z | | | 2017-06-16T20:57:14Z | | | 2010-11-12 | | | 2010-11-12 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.description.abstract | Today museums must be cognizant of a multitude of widely publicized ethical issues. It is important that museum leaders demonstrate the highest ethical standards and be responsive to new policies and practices instituted by professional museum associations. In America over the past several years, American Association of Museums (AAM) task forces have recommended, and the AAM Board has approved two important sets of guidelines: one concerning the unlawful appropriation of objects during the Nazi era and the second focusing on exhibiting borrowed objects. Both sets of guidelines may present special challenges for university museums. | eng |
dc.description.abstract | Hoje em dia, os museus têm o dever de se manterem informados sobre urna grande diversidade de assuntos éticos e deontológicos de grande irnpacto, sendo essencial que quem se encontra à sua frente nâo apenas demonstre padrôes éticos de elevado nivel mas também implemente as novas prâticas e orientaçôes emanadas das diferentes associaçôes profissionais. Debruçando-se sobre este tema, os grupos de traballio da Associaçâo Americana de Museus (AAM), nos Estados Unidos da America, recomendaram dois conjuntos de orientaçôes que foram posteriormente adoptados pela Direcçâo da AAM: o primeiro relativo à apropriaçâo ilegal de objectos durante a Era Nazi e o segundo referente à exposiçâo de peças cedidas por outras instituiçôes. No caso dos museus universitârios, estas orientaçôes podem resultar em desafios particularmente novos. | por |
dc.language.iso | eng | |
dc.publisher | International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) | |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.subject.ddc | 060 Allgemeine Organisationen und Museumswissenschaft | |
dc.title | Recent museum ethical policies and their implications for university museums | |
dc.type | article | |
dc.identifier.urn | urn:nbn:de:kobv:11-100178007 | |
dc.identifier.doi | | |
local.edoc.pages | 8 | |
local.edoc.type-name | Zeitschriftenartikel | |
local.edoc.container-type | periodical | |
local.edoc.container-type-name | Zeitschrift | |
local.edoc.container-year | 2001 | |
dc.identifier.zdb | 2590340-8 | |
dcterms.bibliographicCitation.journaltitle | Intensifying Support For and Increasing Audiences in University Museums and Collections, Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Committee of ICOM for University Museums and Collections (UMAC), Barcelona, 2-4 July 2001 | |
dcterms.bibliographicCitation.volume | 2001 | |
dcterms.bibliographicCitation.pagestart | 23 | |
dcterms.bibliographicCitation.pageend | 30 |