Latin-American Network of University Museums
Statement and official report
Following the 6th International Congress of University Museums and Collections in Mexico City in 2006, the National University of Colombia (the Master’s Degree in Museology and Patrimony Management together with the Fine Arts Museum) began discussions with colleagues from other Latin-American museums about the creation of a museum network which might provide a mechanism for regional integration, foster the sharing of knowledge, of experience, initiatives and projects, and communicate information about resources such as collections and museological programs, and set an agenda for Latin-American University Museums. // In May 2007, the first Latin-American Lecture in Museology and Cultural Patrimony Management took place in Bogotá, Colombia. Museum directors from the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia were invited to discuss the main topic for this version: Museums, Universities and “Mundialización". This meeting saw the creation of the Latin-American University Museums Network and the formulation of its first strategy and action plan.
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