General Linear Methods for nonlinear DAEs in Circuit Simulation


The Modified Nodal Analysis leads to differential algebraic equations with properly stated leading terms. In this article a special structure of the DAEs modelling electrical circuits is exploited in order to derive a new decoupling for nonlinear index-2 DAEs. This decoupling procedure leads to a solvability result and is also used to study general linear methods, a class of numerical schemes that covers both Runge-Kutta and linear multistep methods. Convergence for index-2 DAEs is proved.



differential-algebraic equations, Methods for differential-algebraic equations, Implicit equations

Dewey Decimal Classification

510 Mathematik


Voigtmann, Steffen.(2005). General Linear Methods for nonlinear DAEs in Circuit Simulation. Preprints aus dem Institut für Mathematik. , 2004,20. 10.18452/2592