A Consistent Nonparametric Test of the Convexity of Regression Based on Least Squares Splines


This paper provides a test of convexity of a regression function. This test is based on the least squares splines. The test statistic is shown to be asymptotically of size equal to the nominal level, while diverging to infinity if the convexity is misspecified. Therefore, the test is consistent against all deviations from the null hypothesis.



least squares estimator, test of convexity, Likelihood ratio test, convex cone

Dewey Decimal Classification

330 Wirtschaft


Diack, Cheikh A.T..(2006). A Consistent Nonparametric Test of the Convexity of Regression Based on Least Squares Splines. Sonderforschungsbereich 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes. , 1998,44. 10.18452/3736