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Recent Submissions

Gesundheitsschutz und Klimawandel erfordern ambitionierte Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe in Europa
(Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät) Peters, Annette; Herr, Caroline; Bolte, Gabriele; Heutelbeck, Astrid; Hornberg, Claudia; Kraus, Thomas; Lakes, Tobia; Matzarakis, Andreas; Novak, Dennis; Reifegerste, Doreen; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia; Zeeb, Hajo; Schneider, Alexandra; Hoffmann, Barbara
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat aufgrund wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse die Richtwerte zur Luftqualität 2021 verschärft. Es wurde eine deutliche Absenkung der Jahresmittelwerte von Feinstaub (Partikelgröße 2,5 µm oder kleiner, PM2,5) sowie der Langzeitbelastung gegenüber Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) und Ozon (O3) empfohlen. Das Mortalitätsrisiko, wie Studien für den Bereich der niedrigen Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen belegen, steigt bereits oberhalb der WHO-Richtwerte an. In Deutschland wurden die WHO-Richtwerte von 2021 für PM2,5 und NO2 im Jahr 2022 deutlich überschritten. In diesem Positionspapier geben wir folgende Empfehlungen zur Europäischen Luftqualitätsrichtlinie: (1) Festlegung von verbindlichen Grenzwerten entsprechend WHO 2021, (2) Geltungsbereich der Grenzwerte in ganz Europa, (3) Fortführung und Ausbau der etablierten Ländermessnetze, (4) Ausbau der Luftqualitätsmessungen für ultrafeine Partikel und Rußpartikel, (5) Verknüpfung von Maßnahmen zur Luftreinhaltung und zum Klimaschutz. Eine Verschärfung der Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe erfordert gesellschaftliche und politische Veränderungen unter anderem in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energienutzung und -erzeugung, Stadt- und Raumplanung. Die Umsetzung der WHO-2021-Richtwerte hätte einen volkswirtschaftlichen Nettonutzen von 38 Mrd. € im Jahr. Ambitionierte Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe helfen auch, den Klimawandel und seine gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen einzudämmen. Die Kommission Environmental Public Health hält daher ambitioniertere Grenzwerte für notwendig, um einen effektiven Gesundheitsschutz in Deutschland zu ermöglichen, und fordert, dass Luftschadstoffgrenzwerte entsprechend den WHO-Empfehlungen von 2021 in Europa verbindlich werden.
Insights into the kinetics–morphology relationship of 1-, 2-, and 3D TiNb2O7 anodes for Li-ion storage
(Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät) Xu, Wenlei; Xu, Yaolin; Grzimek, Veronika; Martin, Andrea; Schultz, Thorsten; Russo, Patrícia A.; Lu, Yan; Koch, Norbert; Pinna, Nicola
Understanding the influence of electrode material’s morphology on electrochemical behavior is of great significance for the development of rechargeable batteries, however, such studies are often limited by the inability to precisely control the morphology of electrode materials. Herein, nanostructured titanium niobium oxides (TiNb2O7) with three different morphologies (one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and three-dimensional (3D)) were synthesized via a facile microwave-assisted solvothermal method. The influence of the morphological dimension of TiNb2O7 as electrode material on the electrochemical performance in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and the underlying correlation with the electrochemical kinetics were studied in detail. 2D TiNb2O7 (TNO-2D) shows a superior rate capability and cycling stability, associated with improved kinetics for charge transfer and Li-ion diffusion, compared to the 1D and 3D materials. Operando X-ray diffraction measurements reveal the structural stability and crystallographic evolution of TNO-2D upon lithiation and delithiation and correlate the Li-ion diffusion kinetics with the lattice evolution during battery charge and discharge. Moreover, carbon-coated TNO-2D achieves enhanced rate capability (205 mAh·g−1 at 50 C) and long-term cycling stability (87% after 1000 cycles at 5 C). This work provides insights into the rational morphology design of electrode materials for accelerated charge transfer and enhanced fast-charging capability, pushing forward the development of electrode materials for high-power rechargeable batteries in future energy storage.
Abiotic Stress in Cotton: Insights into Plant Responses and Biotechnological Solutions
(Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät) Patil, Akshay Milind; Pawar, Bhausaheb D.; Wagh, Sopan Ganpatrao; Shinde, Harshraj; Shelake, Rahul Mahadev; Markad, Nanasaheb R.; Bhute, Nandu K.; Červený, Jan; Wagh, Rajendra. S.; Carlsson
Climate change has rapidly increased incidences of frequent extreme abiotic stresses, such as heat, drought, salinity, and waterlogging. Each of these stressors negatively affects the cotton crop ( Gossypium spp.) and results in significant yield decreases. Every stressful event causes specific changes in the metabolism and physiology of plants, which are linked to complex molecular alterations. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate a plant’s response to stress is essential to developing stress-resistant cotton varieties that can withstand various stress factors. Gene expressions in response to multiple stresses have been studied and mapped. These genes include ion transporters and heat shock proteins, which are vital to allowing adaptive responses. These approaches showed the ability to employ advanced genome sequencing and multi-omics techniques to identify dynamic gene expression patterns and elucidate intricate regulatory networks. Using genetic variation in combination with molecular techniques, it would be possible to generate stress-resilient cotton varieties that would enable sustainable cotton output in the face of abiotic stresses. Here, we reviewed the effects of major abiotic stressors on cotton plants, such as heat, salinity, drought, heavy metals, and waterlogging. We also examine the vast network of proteins, genes, and stress-sensitive signaling pathways that help cotton tolerate abiotic stress.
An Algorithm for Nutrient Mixing Optimization in Aquaponics
(Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät) Kobelski, Alexander; Nestler, Patrick; Mauerer, Mareike; Rocksch, Thorsten; Schmidt, Uwe; Streif, Stefan; Berillis
Featured Application The algorithms provided in this work can be applied in most scenarios where fluids and water-soluble substances, e.g., salts, are mixed to meet certain requirements. Examples include hydroponics and aquaponics. Abstract Controlled environment agriculture is a promising alternative to conventional production methods, as it is less affected by climate change and is often more sustainable, especially in circular and recycling frameworks such as aquaponics. A major cost factor in such facilities, however, is the need for skilled labor. Depending on available resources, there are endless possibilities on how to choose ingredients to realize a desired nutrient solution. At the same time, the composition of the desired solution is subject to fluctuations in fish water quality, fertilizer availability, weather, and plant development. In high-evaporation scenarios, e.g., summer, nutrient solutions might be mixed multiple times per day. This results in a complex, multi-variable task that is time-consuming to solve manually, yet requires frequent resolution. This work aims to help solve this challenge by providing methods to automate the nutrient mixing procedure. A simple mass-balance-based model of a nutrient mixing tank with connections to different water sources, drains, and fertilizers is provided. Using methods of static optimization, a program was developed which, in consideration of various process constraints and optimization variables, is able to calculate the necessary steps to mix the desired solution. The program code is provided in an open-source repository. The flexibility of the method is demonstrated in simulation scenarios. The program is easy to use and to adapt, and all necessary steps are explained in this paper. This work contributes to a higher automation level in CEA.
The Effect of Individual Attitude toward Healthy Nutrition on Adherence to a High-UFA and High-Protein Diet: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
(Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät) Nguyen, Thu Huong; Pletsch-Borba, Laura; Feindt, Peter H.; Stokes, Caroline S.; Pohrt, Anne; Meyer, Nina M. T.; Wernicke, Charlotte; Sommer-Ballarini, Miriam; Apostolopoulou, Konstantina; Hornemann, Silke; Grune, Tilman; Brück, Tilman; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H.; Spranger, Joachim; Mai, Knut; Dominika
Despite beneficial cardiovascular effects, substantial long-term modulation of food pattern could only be achieved in a limited number of participants. The impact of attitude towards healthy nutrition (ATHN) on successful modulation of dietary behavior is unclear, especially in the elderly. We aimed to analyze whether the personal ATHN influences 12-month adherence to two different dietary intervention regimes within a 36-month randomized controlled trial. Methods: 502 subjects were randomized to an intervention group (IG; dietary pattern focused on high intake of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), plant protein and fiber) or control group (CG; dietary recommendation in accordance with the German Society of Nutrition) within a 36-month dietary intervention trial. Sum scores for effectiveness, appreciation and practice of healthy nutrition were assessed using ATHN questionnaire during the trial ( n = 344). Linear regression models were used to investigate associations between ATHN and dietary patterns at baseline and at month 12. Results: Retirement, higher education level, age and lower body mass index (BMI) were associated with higher ATHN sum scores. ATHN was similar in CG and IG. Higher baseline intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and fiber as well as lower intake in saturated fatty acids (SFA) were associated with higher scores in practice in both groups. The intervention resulted in a stronger increase of UFA, protein and fiber in the IG after 12 months, while intake of SFA declined ( p < 0.01). Higher scores in appreciation were significantly associated with higher intake of fiber and lower intake of SFA in the CG at month 12, whereas no associations between ATHN and macronutrient intake were observed in the IG after 12 months. Conclusions: While ATHN appeared to play a role in general dietary behavior, ATHN did not affect the success of the specific dietary intervention in the IG at month 12. Thus, the dietary intervention achieved a substantial modification of dietary pattern in the IG and was effective to override the impact of the individual ATHN on dietary behavior.