Heft 1999 / 1
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Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelTeija Tiilikainen: "Europe and Finland. Defining the Political Identity of Finland in Western Europe"Hubel, Helmut; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdPublication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelPertti Joenniemi (Hrsg.): "Neo-Nationalism or Regionally? The Restructuring of Political Space Around the Baltic Rim"Hanne, Krister; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdPublication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelTore Bjørgo: "Racist and Right-Wing Violence in Scandinavia. Patterns, Perpetrators, and Responses"Götz, Norbert; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdPublication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelTomi Mäkelä (Hrsg.): "Music and Nationalism in 20th-century Great Britain and Finland"Esch, Christian; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdPublication 1999-06-15Zeitschriftenartikel"The most useful Citizen in New York": Zum 150. Geburtstag von Jacob A. RiisOstwald, Richard; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdPublication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelDie schwedische Geheimpolizei – das "Informationsbüro" – die KommunistenÅmark, Klas; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdThe commissions on the surveillance and registration of Swedish communists by the military and police secret services have published their reports. Although clear-cut and realistic images of the communist enemy obviously have been lacking, there has been quite some activity by the security forces. Because of dubious suspicion, people engaging in leftwing political affairs – not necessarily sympathising with communism or the Sovjet Union – have been refused or lost their jobs. Both reports leave many questions open, and often they do not even ask the relevant ones. There is the need for another commission combining expertise on methods in historical research and leftwing politics in Sweden.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelGottes subversive Signale: Zur Reflexion theologischer und philosophischer Ideen in Lars Gustafssons Roman Historien med hundenSiebold, Oliver; Muschick, Stephan; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdLars Gustafsson's novel gives the reader a caleidoscopic flux of philosophical and theological thoughts and ideas. The impression is created that although everything is connected 'somehow', unsolvable contradictions arise. The authors of this article have taken at first sight contradictory approaches to the primary text. But finally, their points of view have been fused together to the interpretation of eternal questions for good and evil as well as a search for God as constitutive elements of the novel. The novel's organizing principles are analyzed by drawing parallels to other literary works by Gustafsson and by emphasizing the novel's questioning gesture in a combination of pre- and postmodernity. Even today, six years after the novel's publication, these organizing principles can be partially transposed on the world beyond literature.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelNordosteuropa: Geschichtsregion mit ZukunftTroebst, Stefan; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdThe concept of "North Eastern Europe" is very popular in present political discussions, not in the least as an argument for developing political frameworks after the end of the Cold War. But North Eastern Europe is neither a ne invention, nor should it be understood as a purely historical regional concept, which only is concentrated on a definite historical epoch – as the term is used in the works of Klaus Zernack. The present use of the term describes the relaunch of an old concept. It is a historically developed structural artifice, which still works in present times. The concept of a "clash of civilization" – the deeping chasm between the Catholic and Protestant Western Europe and the Eastern European Orthodox tradition – is not a fact which could be proven in civilization-historical terms. In this matter, the historical region of North Eastern Europe is the missing link, which brint together Russia and "the West" to construct the concept of Europe.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelGunnar Myrdal i svensk politik 1943–1947Appelqvist, Örjan; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdDas politische Wirken Gunnar Myrdals zwischen 1943 und 1947, insbesondere aber seine Zeit als schwedischer Handelsminister ab 1945, die mit seinem Rücktritt im Zuge der Währungskrise 1947 endete, gilt nach allgemeiner Auffassung als gescheitert. Der folgende Artikel analysiert Myrdals politische Leistungen in einem breiteren Gesamtzusammenhang und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß Myrdals Schicksal weitgehend umbewertet werden muß. Persönlich scheiterte er zwar an Widerstand und Unverständnis innerhalb der Regierung sowie taktischen Manövern der bürgerlichen Opposition. Seine fachliche und politische Weitsicht jedoch bestätigte sich nicht nur in der Währungskrise 1947, die er zunächst zwar durch von ihm selbst mitgetragene Beschlüsse mitverursachte, vor allem aber dann als erster zu korrigieren versuchte, sondern auch im Erkennen des sich anbahnenden Ost-West-Konflikts und den sich daraus ergebenden außenpolitischen Konsequenzen für Schweden sowie in seiner wegweisenden Unterstützung makroökonomischen Wachstums in der Wirtschaftspolitik.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelOn the value of personal archives: Some examples from the archives of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal – with a main focus on GunnarAndersson, Stellan; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdEs gibt keine Vorschriften oder Regeln, die Privatpersonen dazu zwingen würden, ihre Briefe und Manuskripte aufzubewahren oder ihre Hinterlassenschaften einem Archiv zu übergeben, damit diese Materialien der Wissenschaft künftig dienen können. Die meisten Menschen meinen, ihre Unterlagen ohne weiteres vernichten zu dürfen. So kommt es leider dazu, daß viele wertvolle Dokumente unwiederbringlich zerstört werden. Das nicht nur wegen seiner wirtschafts- und bevölkerungswissenschaftlichen Publikationen weltweit bekannt gewordene Ehepaar Alva und Gunnar Myrdal hinterließ so zwar dem Stockholmer Archiv der Arbeiterbewegung 150 Regalmeter Archivalien – aber leider wurde von ihnen auch vieles weggeworfen bzw. ging im Laufe ihres turbulenten Lebens verloren.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelVor einer neuen maktutredningØsterud, Øyvind; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, ReinholdIn 1997 the Norwegian storting decided to put up a so called Power-Commission (maktutredning = MU), and in the spring of 1998 appointed a group of five senior researchers, headed by Øyvind Østerud, for this task. In this introductory discussion Østerud is trying to pin down the central issues for the new commission. His point of departure is the previous MU (1972–1982), which was a milestone in Scandinavia and had a tremendous impact not only on Scandinavian policy making and public debate, but also on Scandinavian social research. Unlike its predecessor, the new MU will not be organized as a couple of close-kill research programs, but rather act as the prime mover in a loosely coupled network of scholars from different disciplines. Furthermore the new one must be characterized by theoretical and methodological pluralism. The rationale behind this strategy is not least the fact that present-day Norway is a totally different society from what it was in the 1970s. The homogenous, self-assured, Scandinavian social democratic nation-state simply does not exist anymore. Instead, Norway has become a “normal” Northern European country trying to find its place and way in a new world of globalization, European integration, and denationalization.Publication 1999-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelEcce HammarLandin, Per; Henningsen, Bernd; Nybom, Thorsten; Stålvant, Carl-Einar; Wulff, Reinhold